Full Version: European Trade Shows - January 2007

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#4]
 24 Nov 2006
To: Doug (JDOUG5170) [#3] 24 Nov 2006


I'll show up almost anywhere, to get together with people from this industry, but Europe is a bit too far from my neighborhood, this time around. :-) 

As far as I know Trophex is Europe's "Greatest Show on Earth."

We have some people from Europe who could probably confirm or deny that statement.

From: jumbo (JIMC) [#5]
 24 Nov 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#4] 25 Nov 2006

I've been to Trophex twice. I think that if you are used to the large shows in the U.S then Trophex would be a bit of a comedown due to the fact there are less engravers over here than the U.S. The show was originally for the sports trophy awards but has now expanded into sublimation and other printing methods. There is also a Euro Trophex which is held in Holland in September.

From: Rodney Gold (RODNEY_GOLD) [#6]
 24 Nov 2006
To: jumbo (JIMC) [#5] 24 Nov 2006

Euro Trophex for the Win!!
Worth a trip to the gift fairs in China too if you a big importer , China is where most of the stuff is made anyway .

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#7]
 25 Nov 2006
To: Rodney Gold (RODNEY_GOLD) [#6] 25 Nov 2006


Have you attended Euro Trophex (ET), or the Chinese trade shows?

What makes ET the "gold" standard? :-) 

From: Rodney Gold (RODNEY_GOLD) [#8]
 25 Nov 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#7] 30 Nov 2006

Ive been to trophex a few times and to one giftware show in china.
ET is mostly all about euro styled components etc , its not really that machine oriented. Most of the big guys there like Biemans have extensive ranges and are cheaper than buying from the mnfgrs. Europe to SA is a lot easier than anything else , so for me its the premier show to go for. My entrance and ticket also gets paid for by one of my suppliers there , so that helps :) 
Apart from that , we find that to do pdu type components for trophies and those colums things is a waste They look like what they are , cheapish , and you can get better equivalents in euro styles that look seriously better or more upmarket and allow unheard of margins , often 500%.
I leave the real rubbish stuff , like customers that want 200 of the tallest junk we can make for like no money (like for those car sound off shows) , to the other folk. Theres no profit in it.
China is overwhelming , the gift fair is over like 8 exhibition halls and has anything you could want at silly prices.
We import tons of marble bases from china , totally rediculous prices , landed cost of a black marble 2" x 2" base , countersunk , drilled etc is under 15c. a 6" x 6" x 3" base is like $1!!!
Its not even worth us doing a plain supawood base for that!!
Same sort of thing with their optical glass awards , their prices allow like 1000% profit , well worth bringing in a container of those 2 items alone.
However you can get the same from the euro guys , they import from china etc an offer em a little bit more expensive , but the advantage is one supplier for a lot of stuff.
India too is emerging as a force in the trophy world , we have seen some stuff from there real cheap , but way to flowery and florid for our customers or my taste.

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