Full Version: Distributing objects horizontally

From: Webquest [#9]
 4 Dec 2006
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#7] 4 Dec 2006

Wow! That's it. Thank you, Dave, and thank you to everyone who replied!


From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#10]
 4 Dec 2006
To: Mike (MIKEN) [#8] 4 Dec 2006


It gets more complicated when you start talking about columns because you need to address the vertical and horizontal spacing.

I would recommend doing one tag, then place a box around your objects in the exact dimension and layout of your tag, then group everything. Once you have that grouped name tag you are in great shape to copy, paste, use the spacing option.

As an example, if you have a 1"x3" tag, you would want your layout dimensions to be divisible by 1" in height and 3" in width. If your table is 20"h x 24"w you can cut and paste to where you have 20 unevenly spaced name tags in your column. At this point you should select and align one name tag to the top of your layout area. You can then select and align on other name tag to the bottom of the layout. Now, with all other name tags located between those two, you can select all of them, and go into the Align and Distribute option and select the vertical spacing button as shown below. This will space the 20 tags edge to edge over that 20" span.

Now you can select the 20 badges and align them with the left edge of the layout area, then group them. Now, we want to go 24" across, so we know we will need to copy and paste this column of tags 7 times so we end up with 8 columns. Once you've done that, select one of the columns and align it with the right side of your layout. You now have a column aligned on the right and left, so with all other in between those two, highlight all columns and select the horizontal spacing button on the Align and Distribute option.

I would have a perfect grid of 160 name badges.

Depending on the type of laser you have, you may have to allow for the area along the rulers where the laser doesn't fire. You would make this adjustment after you have created and grouped your complete grid.

There may be an easier way, or even better, a macro, that could do this with the push of a button. That being said, I could do what is described above in no more than a minute or two

From: Mike (MIKEN) [#11]
 4 Dec 2006
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#10] 4 Dec 2006

Thank you. I'll give it a try.

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