Full Version: New Tutorial Videos (Sticky)

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#6]
 4 Dec 2006
To: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#1] 4 Dec 2006

I bought the set at the last ARA show. Great stuff.

From: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#7]
 4 Dec 2006
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#6] 4 Dec 2006

Thanks, Chuck!

To all: to clarify my original post, these videos are brand new -- not included in the ARA Corel Tutorial CD set.

Now you know what daddy did after he finished Thanksgiving dinner! Mother & I headed out for the Cowboy game and we left daddy behind to "work on a few little projects".

This was one of those little projects!

Message 5421.8 was deleted

From: Mike (MIKEN) [#9]
 4 Dec 2006
To: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#4] 4 Dec 2006

Thanks very much. Outstanding as usual.

From: Michael (DIT) [#10]
 19 Dec 2006
To: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#1] 19 Dec 2006

Thanks for the link to these tutorials. They were great and I look forward to applying what I learned. Even though I have been using Corel Draw since version 8, there is so much to learn.
Many Thanks to Roy and Jeanette for sharing.


From: Laser Image (LASER_IMAGE) [#11]
 28 Dec 2006
To: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#1] 28 Dec 2006

I just went through the "defaults" tutorial and everything seemed to work except when I open corel the text, nudge and duplicate distances revert back to the default instead of what I just changed it to. Any idea what I missed? (I have X3)

Thanks for the great tutorials, the merge tutorial helped me to create a ton of name badges that would have been a pain otherwise.


From: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#12]
 28 Dec 2006
To: Laser Image (LASER_IMAGE) [#11] 28 Dec 2006


I don't know what to suggest but I DO know who to ask! I'll forward this to daddy (Roy Brewer) and he'll have some thoughts for you by tomorrow AM.

Glad to hear we were able to help with your merge project!

From: Laser Image (LASER_IMAGE) [#13]
 28 Dec 2006
To: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#12] 28 Dec 2006

Thanks Jeanette! (and Roy)

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#14]
 28 Dec 2006
To: Laser Image (LASER_IMAGE) [#11] 28 Dec 2006

Those distances will remain in the drawing, but the defaults will not change.

You must save the settings as defaults to make that happen. I am suddenly having a problem with Corel 9, in the same way. I think I need to save as the defaults and then immediately close Corel 9 for it to take.

From: Cutterfly (WINGIT) [#15]
 28 Dec 2006

Are these the same "new" tutorials that are advertised as being new uploads to the Premium Member section at World of Engraving?

Just curious.

Thanks and Happy New Year to all.


From: Laser Image (LASER_IMAGE) [#16]
 28 Dec 2006
To: Cutterfly (WINGIT) [#15] 28 Dec 2006

I asked over there what the new videos were but haven't heard back yet.

From: Shaddy [#17]
 28 Dec 2006
To: Laser Image (LASER_IMAGE) [#11] 28 Dec 2006

I believe under Tools, there's a "Save Setting As Default" option.


From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#18]
 28 Dec 2006
To: Cutterfly (WINGIT) [#15] 28 Dec 2006

...uploads to the Premium Member section at World of Engraving?

"Premium" member section? As in "paid" membership? I thought the idea of starting WOE was to make something that would be forever free, with all the benefits a paid membership somewhere else would have. So much for idealism, eh? The financial realities of having premium content in a forum seems to have hit home over there.

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#19]
 28 Dec 2006
To: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#18] 29 Dec 2006

I will refrain. >.<

David Takes
Expressions Engraved

EDITED: 26 Feb 2011 by DATAKES

From: Cutterfly (WINGIT) [#20]
 28 Dec 2006
To: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#18] 29 Dec 2006

What I am trying to discern is exactly what comprises the "Premium Content" other than coming attractions and information that's readily available at engravingconcepts.com, here and at other sites.

Since Laser Image asked at WOE and has yet to get an answer, I thought perhaps someone over here would know if they are the same tutorials that are available at EC.

Thanks for the reply,


From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#21]
 28 Dec 2006
To: Cutterfly (WINGIT) [#20] 28 Dec 2006


Before Ken changed the World of Engraving Forum from an all-free format to a pay-for-the-added-features format, it appeared that most of the content was gathered from existing resources elsewhere, with a few brief CorelDRAW tutorials created by Ken.

Without a response directly from the source, it will be hard to know whether the content continues in this same linked format or whether there are some World of Engraving exclusives being offered for the premium area.

It does take time and resources to generate a steady flow of fresh valuable content.

David Takes
Expressions Engraved

EDITED: 4 Jul 2010 by DATAKES

From: Laser Image (LASER_IMAGE) [#22]
 28 Dec 2006
To: Cutterfly (WINGIT) [#20] 28 Dec 2006

My guess it that the tutorials are the same that were announced here. Sprinter is usually pretty fast at replies to questions so I can only assume that his silence on that issue is to avoid being confronted with people being asked to pay for something that is free everywhere else. I hate to make assumptions but his lack of response leaves me that choice.

From: sprinter [#23]
 28 Dec 2006
To: Laser Image (LASER_IMAGE) [#22] 28 Dec 2006

Your assumptions are wrong......I do have a life and didn't realize I had an obligation to answer your questions within minutes of your posting.

The new additions are a combination of exclusive and non exclusive material. As was mentioned earlier, several things we have already completed will be added the first part of January.

EDITED: 28 Dec 2006 by SPRINTER

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#24]
 28 Dec 2006
To: sprinter [#23] 28 Dec 2006

Your assumptions are wrong......I do have a life and didn't realize I had an obligation to answer your questions within minutes of your posting.

No you do not have a responsibility to even answer it at all.

That being said, on this forum you have a responsibility to answer it in a bit more courteous fashion.

From: Pedaler (ROYBREWER) [#25]
 28 Dec 2006
To: Laser Image (LASER_IMAGE) [#11] 28 Dec 2006

I just went through the "defaults" tutorial and everything seemed to work except when I open corel the text, nudge and duplicate distances revert back to the default instead of what I just changed it to. Any idea what I missed? (I have X3)


I'm a bit puzzled by your inclusion of "text" since those defaults seem to stick very well; the nudge/DupeOffsets are a bit contrary.

Corel continues to modify the way defaults work and there are differences in each major version and often a patch will make a slight change; I'll try to make a very generic response that I think will work with all modern versions of Corel (9-x3).

For most reliable results:
--- exit out of Corel
---reRun corel
---create new empty document
---make your changes in defaults as the tutorial suggests. Then
---Tools>Save SettingsAs Defaults
-------Save Settings as Defaults for New Documents
------------check *all* boxes then OK
---Immediately exit out of Draw

While the above appears to have some duplication, there are a few defaults "registered" by one save and missed by the other. Also, at least one version (is it 10?) that doesn't even have the Tools>Save SettingsAs Defaults option.

As Harvey pointed out, most of these values are what Corel calls "docucentric," so if you open an earlier document the values that were present when it was saved will dominate.

Understand that the whole process is Save Settings as Defaults for *new* documents.

Harvey mentioned having problems with 9. These are some things that are known to mess up your carefully created defaults:
---Shutting down Corel with a multitude of files in memory.
---Crashing Corel.
---Having multiple instances of Corel in memory

The real gurus suggest that you export your Workspace [[Tools>Options>Workspace>Export...]]]. While this saves/restores most of your environment there are a few important ones it does not, so that is not a complete solution.

For us, the real value of exporting/importing workspaces is to get all PCs to have most of the same settings.

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