Full Version: Lost file recovery
From: JHayes55 [#3]
13 Dec 2006
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#2] 13 Dec 2006
From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#4]
13 Dec 2006
To: JHayes55 [#3] 13 Dec 2006
If you saved any files afterward, they might have overwritten that file. So find something fast.
I think there is a program called 'Get Files Back'. I have it on my home computer, whatever it is called, but will not be there till after Christmas. Sounds more like a system glitch if it is not even in the recycle bin.
I would swear that sometimes XP messes up the file system.
From: Patty (PDI) [#5]
13 Dec 2006
To: JHayes55 [#3] 13 Dec 2006
Since its not in the recycle bin, it might worth the effort to search the drive by name. Sometimes they just end up in the wrong sub-directory. I also find it helpful to search by date - if its not named what you expected.
From: Mike (MIKEN) [#6]
13 Dec 2006
To: JHayes55 [#5] 13 Dec 2006
Unfortunately I have some experience here. That is with losing files.
When this happens I find that it has been saved to a different file. I have never found a foolproof way to retrieve them but if you go back via your quickbooks to see what you've billed and check those files you may get lucky.
From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#7]
13 Dec 2006
To: JHayes55 [#3] 13 Dec 2006
Mike is right. Corel typically makes a back up automatically of files, so much so that I find that I must go in and delete a lot of them.
Have you tried doing a search for *.cdr and see what comes up?
Good luck. I feel your pain.
From: JHayes55 [#8]
13 Dec 2006
I have done a search by name and dates - thus far nothing. If it went into the recycle bin the bin was emptied because it is not there now.
Look like this one is a redo. I thought the file had been on the desktop because I had been tweaking it for the customer. My guess is I grabbed it with some other file and sent it to the recycle bin and then emptied the bin.
Just a guess.
From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#9]
13 Dec 2006
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#7] 13 Dec 2006
You can turn off that automatic backup feature in your CorelDRAW options, although I am sure Joe would not recommend it. :-(
EDITED: 13 Dec 2006 by DATAKES
From: Ruben (QUIEROLEARN) [#10]
13 Dec 2006
To: JHayes55 [#8] 13 Dec 2006
have you try this little amazing program? www.copernic.com
this program scans your system completly then you can search for wherever file, it's quick allmost instant on the result after the scan and after your first scan it keeps track of any new file store in your system, this program have help me find files that I also thought was delete try it is free thats the best part.... Good luck
From: JHayes55 [#11]
13 Dec 2006
To: Ruben (QUIEROLEARN) [#10] 13 Dec 2006
From: Ruben (QUIEROLEARN) [#12]
13 Dec 2006
To: JHayes55 [#11] 13 Dec 2006
yes that is true, but is not if you go to Tools>Options>Advance>Add
there is where you add the Corel extension .cdr and/or any other file you like the program to index, when you add the file extension is going to pop a dialog, there you want to chose the category as picture since is a graphic related file.
also you want to may sure the program is scanning your system, by defoult the program stop scanning when you are using the system there is an option where you unselect the feature let the program scan your system all the time, you can do this by going to Tools>Options>Indexing & Performance>Indexing Performance then unselect where it says Suspend indexing while I use my Computer
From: JHayes55 [#13]
13 Dec 2006
To: Ruben (QUIEROLEARN) [#12] 13 Dec 2006
From: Ruben (QUIEROLEARN) [#14]
13 Dec 2006
To: JHayes55 [#13] 14 Dec 2006
Difference is that is a lot faster (after the first scan is completed) search deeper than windows for some reason I have find files that windows can't and also keeps track of every file you are saving, windows don't.
With windows you do a fresh scan every time and consumes time with Copernic is almost instant or in the instant, also it categorize your searches like picture, files, videos, music, contacts, favorites/bookmarks, and history of your internet browsing... This kind of searching is call live search, this feature is going to be in Windows Vista and that is Great.
From: JHayes55 [#15]
14 Dec 2006
To: Ruben (QUIEROLEARN) [#14] 14 Dec 2006
Thanks Ruben - Good information for me and anyone who reads this thread.
Thank you
From: Mike (MIKEN) [#16]
14 Dec 2006
To: JHayes55 [#15] 14 Dec 2006
I'm sure you've thought of this--I back up my art files on cd's every month or so. If you do that maybe the file is on one of your back-ups.
From: JHayes55 [#17]
14 Dec 2006
To: Mike (MIKEN) [#16] 14 Dec 2006
From: Ruben (QUIEROLEARN) [#18]
14 Dec 2006
To: JHayes55 [#15] 14 Dec 2006
You're welcome!