Full Version: EngravePro

From: lbh (LESLIEBOY2) [#1]
 8 Jan 2007

has anyone had experience with EngravePro as an add on to Corel draw.

EDITED: 8 Jan 2007 by DGL

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#2]
 8 Jan 2007
To: lbh (LESLIEBOY2) [#1] 9 Jan 2007


Is there a specific feature in EngravePro that you find attractive? By the way, welcome to Engraving Etc. :-)

From: lbh (LESLIEBOY2) [#3]
 9 Jan 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#2] 9 Jan 2007

Engraving Dave.
We have been rotary engraving for 17 years and our work is all in the industrial side of things. We have done very little out of that field. Now we are about to add a laser machine and running a combination of Corel and EngravePro. We have used Corel for vinyl work as well as the daughters store which does embroidery. We will get the laser side of things up and running within the next 2 months. We were wondering what others thought of EngravePro and if there was a better piece of software out there that did similar things.
Thanks for your warm welcome it was a nice touch. Have a great New Year with much success in your business.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#4]
 9 Jan 2007
To: lbh (LESLIEBOY2) [#3] 9 Jan 2007

I am not familiar with EngravePro, but it sounds like an engraving program.

A laser engraver should be thought of as a specialized printer, because that is what it does.

I use Corel Draw for all of my laser work and have never found it lacking. FlexiSign Pro has a few easier features, but most of that can be done in Corel with a few additional steps, although version X3 seems to have included it all. I would recommend Corel for laser. The other point here is that it is what most people use so you can get advice from a wider field of people if you need help.

From: lbh (LESLIEBOY2) [#5]
 9 Jan 2007

To all that have made comment, it is valued and when I get it all set up I'll be back to talk with the masters again.

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#6]
 9 Jan 2007
To: lbh (LESLIEBOY2) [#1] 9 Jan 2007

Welcome aboard. You will find us a friendly family willing to help.....
It seems you have the answers already about engrave pro. Like Harvey, I have never heard of it. ( Are you possibly referring to Engrave Lab? ) Anyway, Corel is pretty much the standard and does darn near everything you need done with your laser.
Good luck and welcome aboard.

From: UncleSteve [#7]
 9 Jan 2007
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#6] 9 Jan 2007

Looks like an "add on" for Corel users:



From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#8]
 9 Jan 2007
To: UncleSteve [#7] 9 Jan 2007

Quite interesting.

From: Laser Image (LASER_IMAGE) [#9]
 9 Jan 2007
To: UncleSteve [#7] 9 Jan 2007

And, one that doesn't do anything that X3 does already. I know the dreaded "center justified text" is a real pain, but do you need a program to do it for you???
Mail merge works great on X3 as well. My guess is that anyone using X3 will not see much value in that program.

Check Roy B's tutorial if you want to see just how easy mail merge is in X3.


From: sprinter [#10]
 9 Jan 2007
To: Laser Image (LASER_IMAGE) [#9] 9 Jan 2007

You can also create a macro in Corel to do the same thing.

From: Pedaler (ROYBREWER) [#11]
 10 Jan 2007
To: lbh (LESLIEBOY2) [#1] 10 Jan 2007


Especially if you are engraving with a Xenetech, you'll love the features of EngravePro. It was written by an ex Xenetech programmer and therefore "handles" extremely similar to Xenetech software. It handles variables in a more intuitive, automatic method condensing long lines to fit within assigned margins, automatically creates grid cut out lines and the result is autonomous plates that can be modified before sending to laser. Several other significant advantages if you can over come the price; price, however, I consider to be a steal compared to the better known "NameDropper" from Smart Designs.

Other posers are correct, however, we can do almost all of this in later versions of Corel with a bit more work.

From: lbh (LESLIEBOY2) [#12]
 10 Jan 2007
To: Pedaler (ROYBREWER) [#11] 11 Jan 2007

Thanks Roy I want to say thanks for your honest comments. ENgravePro will come with the machine as I am getting it from another firm that has used it for a short time. From what I have seen of it , it has a face print of some of the things that are in the Xenetech software. We have used the Xentech system for years and in the last 3/4 years we have used the viper conversion. Again thanks. By the way I wish I had found this website years ago it would have saved time and money.

From: Peter [#13]
 11 Jan 2007
To: lbh (LESLIEBOY2) [#12] 11 Jan 2007

Wlome aboard Leslie :-)

You will find there is absolutely nothing that will not be attempted to be answered on this forum.

We have enormous amount of resorces to call upon, from extraordinary Pantograph operators, thru to large bed router operators and every aspect in between- embroiderers-sublimators- Industry reps and Gurus-and lots of amazing and friendly people.

We have learnt all the way from over here in Australia, that EE is the most important investment in an Engraving business one can make.

Friends, advice, help....all add up to a brilliant part of any Engravers business.

Peter and Kathy :-)

(PS) dont forget to fill in your info details. B-)

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