Full Version: Printing and paper options

From: sroehlk (ELECTECH1) [#1]
 8 Jan 2007

I am currently using inkjet paper and inkjet printing for my doming needs.

I have been looking at some of the large companies domed lables and have a couple of questions.

What type of printing are they using? They can do spot colors and shiny silver and gold. The "paper" they are using might be the gold or silver, but they are using a process color type of printing.
Is it just a solvent printer?

What type of paper are they using? This inkjet paper is very expensive, I am thinking there has to be an alternate type of process.



From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#2]
 8 Jan 2007
To: sroehlk (ELECTECH1) [#1] Unread


Here is the spec page from one of the largest domed label suppliers. I use them for my domed label needs.

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