Full Version: Cadillac of the Embroidery Machines
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#13]
10 Dec 2004
To: Liberty [#11] 11 Dec 2004
Thank you for the very informative post.
Until these recent discussions, I knew very little about embroidery.
Now, I'll be able to speak semi-intelligently, if the topic comes up amongst friends :-)
I can relate to your multi-head scenario. I have two engraving machines that I sometimes use to "gang up" on a volume order.
Gets the work done in a hurry, but it's not a pace I'd like to keep up for a long stretch of time.
David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA
From: Liberty [#14]
11 Dec 2004
To: sunny (SUNSHINE5555) [#12] 11 Dec 2004
There is always a need for a single head in any embroidery shop be it for personalization, sampling or small orders. We will run up to a 12 piece order on the single heads if the larger machines are tied up. Then again, when the large orders dry up we don't hesitate to turn off a few heads and use the four head as a single. (or two or three)
There are a lot of good used multi heads out there. We have one four head that we bought used 6 years ago and the only down time it has ever suffered has been the result of operator error. We paid about half the cost of new and the cost per head was a fraction of that for buying two or three new single heads. Once you are proficient at maintaining a particular brand of machine I would definately consider a used multi-head.
The new SWF six head that gives you the ability to run it as two three heads looks interesting although I've never been impressed with SWF. They are very noisey and we're in a retail environment where noise is an issue.
From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#15]
11 Dec 2004
To: Liberty [#11] 11 Dec 2004
Hi All,
This thread has piqued my interest, and I have been following intently. One question however is how much does a Barudan or other machine typically cost new?
Thank you
Chuck Burke
Pacific LaZer Works
From: sunny (SUNSHINE5555) [#16]
11 Dec 2004
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#15] 11 Dec 2004
From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#17]
11 Dec 2004
To: sunny (SUNSHINE5555) [#16] 11 Dec 2004
Thanks Rebecca,
Wow, what fun. More money to spend. Maybe. Someday. We'll see. Thanks for the info.
Chuck Burke
Pacific LaZer Works