Full Version: Forum slow?

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#63]
 9 Feb 2007

I am running pings of about 116 ms.

You can ping from the DOS prompt


It will give 5 pings then the average.

Sprinter's answer makes a ton of sense. Certainly an explanation. It could explain why they say our server is running fine when the results are awful. It is a Go Daddy internal problem with retrieving data.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#64]
 9 Feb 2007
To: sprinter [#60] 9 Feb 2007


The voice of experience, with a similar situation, carries some weight.

Thank you.

Go Daddy, as in the past, is saying there are no server problems on their end.

When you said the cure is to change hosting servers, would that mean using a different hosting company, or do I need to convince Go Daddy to get going and make a change from within?

From: sprinter [#65]
 9 Feb 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#64] 9 Feb 2007


Try to have them change your shared server, that has the beehive software on it. They will resist I'm sure. I had to threaten to cancel serveral accounts to get my provider to make the change.

They really don't like to host sql based forums, In all rights they are correct in saying the server doesn't have any any problems. They will probably also tell you that the sql databases are an added bonus feature and are not meant to be used with a forum.

The other solution is to go to a dedicated maintained server that has the sql database on the same server as the software, but as you remember that can also have problems. The other solution is to have multiple servers with different providers and load share them, which is how I have WOE, the downside to this is the software required to manage and sync them. In theory with the multiple servers you should never be down and have resonable speeds.

In any event, good luck.

From: sprinter [#66]
 9 Feb 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#64] 9 Feb 2007

It is timing out contacting the sql server! When I posted to you I received this error and had to post it 3 times to make it work.

Error Message for server admins and developers:

Unknown error [2013]

Lost connection to MySQL server during query


Unknown error in line 132 of file db_mysql.inc.php

Beehive Forum 0.7.1 on PHP/4.3.11 Linux CGI-FCGI, MySQL/40027

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#67]
 9 Feb 2007
To: sprinter [#65] 9 Feb 2007

Thanks again Ken.

You're correct in saying that Go Daddy regards the Beehive (sql database) software as some sort of Martian invention and points to it as the likely problem.

Looks like a server/hosting change will be comiing in the near future.

I appreciate the info.

EDITED: 9 Feb 2007 by DGL

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#68]
 9 Feb 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#67] 9 Feb 2007

I just did an FTP transfer of files from the site. The server is molasses.

54 files totaling faintly over 1 Meg, 20 minutes!

The server went from molasses of 170 bytes per second then slowly got faster. A few files came in at 70-100 KBytes per second then down to 180-400 bytes per second again. It seemed for a while that the transfer speed was about 1/10 the file size, till it went to 1/20 the file size. Even a PASV command was taking 10 seconds for a server response at times. This does not use MySql at all.

Line 132 on that file is a blank line.

127 function db_query($sql, $connection_id)
129 {
131     if ($result = @mysql_query($sql, $connection_id)) {
133        return $result;
135     }

Something smells rotten here with Go Daddy's assurances that all is right.

From: sprinter [#69]
 9 Feb 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#68] 9 Feb 2007

It's timing out from the query on line 131 before it returns any results (line 133). Sounds like an internal routing problem.

Since you are also having FTP problems, it looks like getting to the server is no problem, but getting anything back from the server is the slow down.

Maybe the super bowl ad showing everyone in the marketing room having a party is the problem B-)

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#70]
 9 Feb 2007
To: sprinter [#69] 9 Feb 2007

Since you are also having FTP problems, it looks like getting to the server is no problem, but getting anything back from the server is the slow down.

Maybe the super bowl ad showing everyone in the marketing room having a party is the problem B-)

We agree fully.

From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#71]
 9 Feb 2007

As Ken points out, the error was actually on the line number before the line number it mentions. That is typical with error messages. The error happens trying to get past line 131, so is marked as being at line 132. But the actual problem occured while trying to complete line 131.

I have had similar MySQL delays and errors on shared servers. Again, as Ken points out, the database server is often a seperate server and is also shared by a lot of sites. Any one of them could cause a problem. Growing log files in the database can also start to bog a database server down.

I had a forum that had similar slowdowns every few months and I had to call the host and have the MySQL server restarted each time. I finally gave up and moved to a different host and the problem went away.

If there are delays in doing FTP, that points away from the database server, and points more to the web server itself or a router in the system. A router problem can also cause the database errors. And if it's a router problem, the server could test out fine in-house, but have a problem getting to it from the web.

EDITED: 9 Feb 2007 by DAVERJ

From: basehorawards [#72]
 9 Feb 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#64] 9 Feb 2007


When I logged on about 10 minutes ago it was slooooooow. But within the past minute it is back to normal. Hopefully it is fixed.

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#73]
 9 Feb 2007
To: basehorawards [#72] 9 Feb 2007

It just fired up for me as well at 8:50 PM.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#74]
 9 Feb 2007
To: basehorawards [#72] 9 Feb 2007


Full speed for now, but based on recent history, it probably won't last long.

I've spoken to Eric (our admin) and he agrees with what some of the others are saying in this thread. Go Daddy is having problems, that aren't related to our database.

We plan to move to another hosting service.

I'll make an announcement as to when, in the very near future.

From: Dave (MT_DAVE) [#75]
 10 Feb 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#74] 10 Feb 2007


Here is a free, for 30 days at least, monitoring program that tests the websites speed in opening and uptime every 5 minutes, 24/7


From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#76]
 10 Feb 2007
To: Dave (MT_DAVE) [#75] 10 Feb 2007

Thank you Dave.

Have you used it for your web site?

From: Dave (MT_DAVE) [#77]
 10 Feb 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#76] 10 Feb 2007

Yes, for the 30 days free trial. I didn't pursue after the trial.


From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#78]
 20 Feb 2007

Well ^)^%)())!!!!!

We just went with a new hosting service with a wonderful reputation for up time.

So after a few days we went down. ^&)&^^*(!!!!!

I will say that they were responsive and we were up in about an hour. Let's hope it is the last time. :/

 20 Feb 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#78] 20 Feb 2007

I didn't want to say anything................but I was starting to get worried.


Glad it's back up and running.......

Hopefully it's all done hiccuping. :)

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#80]
 20 Feb 2007
To: RALLYGUY (RALLYGUY1) [#79] 20 Feb 2007


I was more than worried. :-&

There were several servers affected, but the outage was dealt with very quickly and I was emailed with updates as to their progress.

Since this company has no "live" phone support, it was a point of concern.

Go Daddy had phone support, whose usual answer was, "It's nothing on our end." Then we would be left to twist in the wind, while the issue miraculously fixed itself, over the course of many hours.

Email support, with the new hosting was very prompt and any ensuing questions I posed were answered just as promptly.

We'll see, (he says with fingers crossed).

From: Carl (CSEWELL) [#81]
 20 Feb 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#80] 20 Feb 2007


Wishing this won't happen again, but if it does, do you think it would be beneficial to point the members to the status pages for the hosting site? It's not that difficult to find who the host is, so I don't think you will be releasing any secrets, but it might be useful to the forum members.

Or, is there someplace else that members can get a status update, short of everyone sending you an e-mail? Maybe a temporary or unused site somewhere? The main home page appeared to work long after the logon page went down. Is that on the same server?

Overall, the new host, IMO, is a lot snappier than the previous ones.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#82]
 20 Feb 2007
To: Carl (CSEWELL) [#81] 20 Feb 2007


I'm not trying to keep the hosting company (Dreamhost) a secret, so pointing to their status update page wouldn't hurt.

We've always had the Delphi forum as a backup, but nobody has used it on the occasions we've been down.

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