Full Version: Nu-Arc 26-1K Exposure Units

 25 Jan 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#1] 25 Jan 2007

Hi Dave,

Excellent suggestion...

For those that are not familiar with this type of equipment.....The light run's very hot compared with the closed systems that I have seen, and these bulbs lose their strong UV light wave properties over time.....Our screen exposure lamp (a similar system) has to be changed every 6 months because of this, and the bulb costs over $180.00 (granted we use our's daily). Check out the prices for replacement bulbs for Nu-Arc so you know what the cost is before you make the jump.

Even an old bulb may do the trick for this type of use....So it might be worth it......but the heat and costs may be a problem for some.......

One other thing...It's best to buy a unit with a curtain so your eyes are not exposed to the UV light as the unit operates (if you will be working in close proximity to it)....My father worked in our exposure room for years without any protection, and at 71 he has pretty severe Macular Degeneration (which experts feel is caused partly by UV light exposure to the retina). If the unit comes with a curtain...you should be fine....

These units might be a great option, if you can do the research on them....They should be available for a dime a dozen, as over the last 10 years, offset printers have gone to direct to plate digital systems, making these units obsolete. There should be many in the pipeline....Right along with stat camera's etc... ;)

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#3]
 25 Jan 2007

For those who are unfamiliar with this equipment, it is also used for developing photo resist films for sandcarving.

I bought my first unit about six years ago for about $2,000. I don't use it all day long, but I do use it just about every day at various capacities. So far, I have never had to replace the bulb.

At the current cost of bulbs, it is definitely a factor to consider when you are purchasing a used unit.

I have never noticed heat to be an issue. My unit is currently not in a small confined area, but at one time it was. If you run the lamp hours on end it could result in a heat issue if in a confined space. Unless you are a substantial volume shop this shouldn't be a concern.

EDITED: 25 Jan 2007 by DATAKES

 25 Jan 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#3] 25 Jan 2007

Hi Dave,

Have you tried this unit with uv curable urethane?

If you have......How long is the cure? Does yours measure in light units or seconds? The kind that measure in light units will be more reliable with the curing process. They will adjust the time to give the same amount of exposure no matter how weak the bulb gets....This is a good thing...as you don't have a moving time target....the computer calculates the adjustments based on the actual UV light generated by the bulb. IE a newer bulb will be shorter exposure times....as it ages, it will automaticly adjust to compensate for loss of UV producing capability, keeping your actual exposure close to the same.

It may be with this system that even a really weak bulb is more than enough to crosslink the urethane quickly so it would be good to know around how long the exposure is on yours if you have tried it.

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#5]
 25 Jan 2007
To: RALLYGUY (RALLYGUY1) [#4] 25 Jan 2007

I haven't used the unit for anything but phot resist film. I have wondered about its effectiveness with UV doming materials, but haven't ventured into that process yet.

 25 Jan 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#5] 25 Jan 2007

You really might be on to something...They are made to expose plates via UV.......Excellent suggestion. It would be neet to see some test results though.....

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