Full Version: New Mexico get-together
From: laserlady [#24]
28 Feb 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#23] 28 Feb 2007
Dave, if I give you three weeks' notice, will that give you enough lead time to arrange to be here? I'm tending toward April 21--enough time to get past the AAW and AWA meetings on the 7th and 14th. Don't start making firm plans yet, but that looks like a good date. Besides, the taxes will have been done and we can all complain about how much Uncle Sam stole from us this year.
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#25]
28 Feb 2007
To: laserlady [#24] 28 Feb 2007
That would be plenty of notice.
Depends on what business is like at the time. I'm still a one-man band.
I don't need a note from my Mom, but I may need one from my customers. :-)