Full Version: How to Attach Files to a Post (Sticky)

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#1]
 25 Jan 2007

Here is a little tutorial in movie format done by David.

If you have QuickTime installed it should just run.

If not you may need to go to http://www.download.com/3000-2194-10002208.html to download the free version of Quicktime.


It will take about 10-15 seconds to download the video, then it will start.

EDITED: 25 Jan 2007 by DGL

From: sprinter [#2]
 25 Jan 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#1] 26 Jan 2007

Welcome to the 21st century. But why Quicktime format, it's not as clear as the flash format.

From: UncleSteve [#3]
 25 Jan 2007
To: sprinter [#2] 25 Jan 2007

More universal format for older PC AND Macs, small size and "safer" than flash in many cases.

If there is call for a more "robust" format with larger download size, I am sure it will be accomodated.

IMHO, flash would be overkill for a simple procedural video like this. Now, if it was a graphics tutorial, other formats may have been considered from the start.

From: sprinter [#4]
 25 Jan 2007
To: UncleSteve [#3] 26 Jan 2007

I don't know where you get the safer part. But your correct on older seldom used part B-)
You mentioned Macs, didn't they use to be made by that music company?

EDITED: 25 Jan 2007 by SPRINTER

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#5]
 25 Jan 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#1] 26 Jan 2007

David & Harvey,

Thanks for the tutorial. It loaded quickly and smoothly for me. It will be a nice help for those who aren't familiar with the attachment process.

From: UncleSteve [#6]
 26 Jan 2007
To: sprinter [#4] 26 Jan 2007

didn't they use to be made by that music company

Yup! Music and phone company now....

As for the Flash movies, the Flash Player plug-in for IE is activeX controlled, which DOES leave more of a an open back-door if you do encounter a "spiked" flash movie and NO I am not changing to Firefox! :-$

From: sprinter [#7]
 26 Jan 2007
To: UncleSteve [#6] 26 Jan 2007

Actually it's installed as a Service not activeX as such. If your worried about security, you should dump IE and use a GOOD browser like Firefox :D

That music and phone company is pushing flash now and phasing out quicktime.

EDITED: 26 Jan 2007 by SPRINTER

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#8]
 26 Jan 2007
To: sprinter [#2] 26 Jan 2007


That is a good sign that you were able to see the video. I know you are a big advocate of the Firefox browser. I've heard Firefox has had some compatibility issues with Quicktime videos. You're living proof that may not be the case.

I'd hate to have to defend any of the video players as "best". They all seem to be getting better and better. With most web technologies, there will always be some compatibility issues with so many browsers out there. I guess that is why I am continuing to stay with the corporate and casual user's standard, which currently seems to Microsoft Internet Explorer.

EDITED: 26 Jan 2007 by DATAKES

From: sprinter [#9]
 26 Jan 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#8] 26 Jan 2007


Firefox did have a quicktime problem in the beta stages, it was called a license for the apple quicktime plug-in. But since apple dropped the licence requirement since they are phasing out quicktime the problem went away.

Don't get me wrong about quicktime, I was on the design team, it was a great product, it just has seen it's time. The main core of the software hasn't been upgraded in several years.

EDITED: 26 Jan 2007 by SPRINTER

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#10]
 26 Jan 2007
To: sprinter [#9] 26 Jan 2007


We certainly value your expertise here. Since David is at the beginning stages of developing the standards for the forum videos, etc., it will be important for him to know the best options.

From: sprinter [#11]
 26 Jan 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#10] 26 Jan 2007

What ever format he chooses, he should upgrade to a PC, it has a much greater choice of software to use. And he will be able to see what the majority of the members will be viewing. It's a real pain at times to use different browsers and different machines to test changes and videos before posting them, but it has to be done. What works on one machine and one browser doesn't always mean it will work on other machines and other browsers. (yeah, I even test on a mac).

I know WOE members are 99.1% PC users, .2% unix users and only .7% mac users. (I just pulled my server stats)

EDITED: 26 Jan 2007 by SPRINTER

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#12]
 26 Jan 2007
To: sprinter [#11] 26 Jan 2007

We would all benefit by David getting a PC, but if the only reason he would invest that money is for our benefit, why don't we all pitch in and get him one. :D

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#13]
 26 Jan 2007
To: sprinter [#2] 26 Jan 2007


There are many ways to go about videos, even for a lowly Mac user. :-)

Including Flash Videos.

The lack of clarity, in this example, is due to the compression setting I used.

Since Beehive doesn't provide much documentation, I felt a series of "How To's" would be a valuable addition.

Message 5854.14 was deleted

From: sprinter [#15]
 26 Jan 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#12] 26 Jan 2007

Geezzz. No one bought me one. So he is on his own. :D

Message 5854.16 was deleted

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#17]
 26 Jan 2007
To: sprinter [#14] 26 Jan 2007

I never thought a simple video test could turn into computer platform, web browser and video format wars. :B

You should sleep soundly tonight, with the comforting knowledge that whatever format(s) I decide upon, will be viewable by the overwhelming majority.


EDITED: 26 Jan 2007 by DGL

From: sprinter [#18]
 26 Jan 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#17] 26 Jan 2007

No wars here. I'm just glad you finally did one:) And I always sleep good.

From: UncleSteve [#19]
 26 Jan 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#18] 26 Jan 2007


Looks like we won't need those restraining orders...... :O)

Peace on earth, good will toward men (and women!)... (angel)

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#20]
 26 Jan 2007

Sorry about those two deletions, but they crossed that fine line and were borderline snipes from both sides.

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