Full Version: Make me an offer!

From: Paul (JACKPETTY) [#1]
 26 Jan 2007

I have a 21 year old (that's right) Domiteaux with table and cylindrical attachment that I no longer use. While I do have some problems with it from time to time, it does still work. I recently purchased a Xenetech GE which will do most of what this old machine did.
I am not trying to pad my pockets and am willing to give this away with a very good offer. Even if the machine crapped out tomorrow, the table and cylindrical is worth something. Of course, getting it from me to you might be a problem but I need the space in my small shop.
Hopefully, this picture will show enough but if you want more info, please let me know.
Paul 504 840-9985 or paul@jackpetty.com

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#2]
 26 Jan 2007
To: Paul (JACKPETTY) [#1] 26 Jan 2007


An oldie but a goodie. Love those machines.


Look at the depth of the vise and the ability to raise and lower the center post. That kind of versatility makes it worth the price of admission; not that we know what that price is. :-)

You can also put the flat panels in place and have a very sizeable, flat work area.

Not ready for a machine purchase at this time, but it's tempting.

EDITED: 26 Jan 2007 by DGL

From: Paul (JACKPETTY) [#3]
 26 Jan 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#2] 26 Jan 2007

I didn't mention that there's lots of the parts that come with the machine. Some standard fonts ( a few logos that are generic) and of course, the flat table that holds a 16" x 13" plate.
I've used this machine to engrave scabbords for the local Navy recruiters (not sure if I can do that with the Gift Engraver).
In my area, I've rarely been asked to engrave bowls larger than 10" diameter but I have done 1 at 12".


Also should mention I still have a Hermes Pantograph and tons of brass fonts. Really hate to let the Pantograph go as it's the one I started on 30 years ago but I simply need space.

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#4]
 26 Jan 2007
To: Paul (JACKPETTY) [#3] 26 Jan 2007


The good point you made, was the "powerbase" itself is the real beauty of the machine.

The control box could probably be upgraded and some companies (Xenetech?) make aftermarket controllers for a number of manufacturers.

My pantograph type library is fairly extensive, but if you give us a rundown of what you have, I may need some type.

Thank you,

From: Paul (JACKPETTY) [#5]
 26 Jan 2007
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#4] 26 Jan 2007

Pantograph fonts for sale:
1.5" Condensed Block
1.5" Revere Condensed Block
Double Line Script
3 line Condensed Roman (2 sets)
Double Line Helvetica
Single Line Cursive
3 Line Roman
Condensed Single Line Gothic (Up/Low case)
Small Single Line Block
3 Line OE (Lg) (Up/Low case)
Small Single Line Script
Single Line Block
Wiggle (hard to describe)
Helvitica Single Line (Up/Low case)
Double Line Century (not 100% complete...has all letters but not all letters have multiples)
2" Condensed Block (single line)

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#6]
 26 Jan 2007
To: Paul (JACKPETTY) [#5] 26 Jan 2007

Thank you Paul.

That's a good selection. There are a couple that I may need. I'll mull it over.

The wiggle line is easier to describe than engrave. :-)

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