Full Version: How can I justify that!

From: Ozzy Fox (CLIVEGARAWAY) [#1]
 31 Jan 2007

I wonder if anyone has any thoughts on this problem.
A customer recently brought me a typed sheet for engraving, (I assume she used Word), it has been justified so that both the left and right edges line up and the words are spaced out to fill the line. The boss (my wife!), typed it in to corel and used "force justify" which worked for the body of the paragraph but at the end of the paragraph when there were only a few words on the
line it sort of looked like this.

I guess Corel did what it was told but Word is probably "smarter".
We have never used this before and it did look a very professional finish. We got around it by using two text boxes. one for the last line.

Also why is it if you use a space line in a text box ) as a quick way of separating lines ,) that you cannot set the point size of that "blank" character. (devil)

Having griped, I do like Corel and X3 is an improvement. :>

cheers Clive.

EDITED: 1 Feb 2007 by DGL

From: Mike (MIKEN) [#2]
 31 Jan 2007
To: Ozzy Fox (CLIVEGARAWAY) [#1] 1 Feb 2007


I probably would have used full justify or better have your customer send it to you electronically so you don't have to do anything but copy and paste.

Paragraph text is a little limiting in Corel but if you open the text drop down and go to paragraph formatting there are a lot of spacing options you can use including line and character. You can also use your shape tool to move characters to any position.

I have probably missed the target here but I hope it helped.

EDITED: 31 Jan 2007 by MIKEN

From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#3]
 1 Feb 2007
To: Ozzy Fox (CLIVEGARAWAY) [#1] 1 Feb 2007

When you put in your "space line" did you add some actual space characters to it, or just hit the Enter key a couple of times. I haven't tried it in Corel, but with most programs if you have space characters on the line then you can apply a font size. Without them you can't.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#4]
 1 Feb 2007
To: Ozzy Fox (CLIVEGARAWAY) [#1] 1 Feb 2007

Speaking for version 9, probably the same in X3, just have not tried it there.

There are two justify controls, one is force justify which is what you probably used. It will space a one word last line across the paragraph. There is also a normal justify which does not justify a line with a carriage return.

As for the line height, it is quirky even with spaces in it. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Type in an x or something, set it for no fill and no outline. Then you can change its size and it will take.

From: Ozzy Fox (CLIVEGARAWAY) [#5]
 4 Feb 2007

Thanks all for your comments, the space didn't work but the blank fill character idea is good. I must try the shape tool.

kind regards Clive.

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