Full Version: Greetings from the Great White North!
From: basehorawards [#18]
9 Feb 2007
To: John (ICTJOHN) [#17] 9 Feb 2007
From: Vicky (ANDERI) [#19]
9 Feb 2007
To: basehorawards [#16] 9 Feb 2007
Vicky what do you have up there besides snow?
Ummm.... polar bears? Just kidding. Those are a little further north than I am. :O) Gosh, if you're looking for sight-seeing or historical attractions, we have more than I could ever possibly list. Ontario seems to be where all the explorers landed in their search for the trade routes to China, but got confused by all the big lakes and wound up going south instead. ;-)
But I'm not as attached to Ontario as you seem to be to your State. I'm a native born 'n' raised Quebecer. Spent the first 30 years of my life there, so it'll always be "home" to me. If you're looking for a less expensive European vacation, you could always go to Montreal or Quebec City. :-) Excellent food, great skiing, lots of history.
From: LG (WAIIB) [#20]
9 Feb 2007
To: basehorawards [#18] 9 Feb 2007
From: basehorawards [#21]
9 Feb 2007
To: LG (WAIIB) [#20] 9 Feb 2007
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