Full Version: Rowmark Lasermark

From: Shaddy [#5]
 10 Feb 2007
To: Patty (PDI) [#3] 10 Feb 2007

I have good luck with the 500 freq. Seems like if it's too high I used to get remelt/rougher edges with a higher freq.


From: JHayes55 [#6]
 10 Feb 2007
To: Patty (PDI) [#1] 11 Feb 2007

Hi Patty -
We have two Epilogs at 75 watt - slightly different settings on each - the Legend 36EXT - we vector at 20 speed - 24 power without tape on back - 26 power with tape - pulse rate at 1000-1200. Much more power than this tend to make the edges extra sticky. Last week we engraved & vector cut over 2500 pieces 2.5" diameter out of Lasermark. I cannot say that I have ever experienced chipping on the edge or the cut as you are describing. The other laser settings are close but slightly slower & about the same pulse rate - it is a 5 year old Legend.

Your power setting would be quite a bit too high for me. Machines of the same power rating will have different optimum settings because in reality they are not the same power - they are normally slightly more powerful than there rating - some quite a bit.

I suggest testing a cut with 1000 - 1500 pulse using 20s and start with 30p and see if you get a clean cut. If you do reduce power to the point where you are just barely getting through then bump up just a few points (2 or 3) for good measure.

If this does not work for you - I would talk with tech support at Epilog.
I have always found them to be very helpful.

From: Patty (PDI) [#7]
 12 Feb 2007
To: JHayes55 [#6] 12 Feb 2007

Thanks for the tips. I still have more playing to do but I'm now getting an acceptable product.


From: JHayes55 [#8]
 12 Feb 2007
To: Patty (PDI) [#7] 12 Feb 2007

Where did you end up on pulse rate, power & speed to get your acceptable results?

From: Patty (PDI) [#9]
 12 Feb 2007
To: JHayes55 [#8] 12 Feb 2007

So far the best I can do is 20s, 30p and 2000frequency.

The best I can figure out is that maybe this stock is a little old. Its certainly not reacting the way my other colors are. I've ordered new stock to test.

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