Full Version: Transparent Background

From: Carl (CSEWELL) [#11]
 20 Feb 2007
To: Ed (EMERY) [#10] 20 Feb 2007

Try the Shape Tool or press F10

From: Ed (EMERY) [#12]
 20 Feb 2007
To: Carl (CSEWELL) [#11] 20 Feb 2007

That was it! Thanks

By the way, where is Guntersville? My son is a sophomore at The University of Alabama, and we are down there 2 or 3 times a year.

EDITED: 20 Feb 2007 by EMERY

From: Pedaler (ROYBREWER) [#13]
 20 Feb 2007
To: Ed (EMERY) [#1] 20 Feb 2007


Sounds like you've been given more solutions than you need, but if you arfe using anything other than the 1st one (David's reference to Foster Coburn's "Darn White Box"), IMHO you've wasted time.

The bitmap color mask works straight from DRAW. The only thing Foster didn't detail is the tolerance. On your deerhead, for instance, if you use the eye dropper to select the white background and set your tolerance to 10, in less than 15 seconds you have what you need!

From: Ed (EMERY) [#14]
 20 Feb 2007
To: Pedaler (ROYBREWER) [#13] 21 Feb 2007

Hi Roy!

I did use David's reference to the Foster Coburn article. I must admit that the magic wand/invert/Cut selection for PhotoPaint/Remove series of commands worked very well until I got to the Select Mask/Remove command series. At that point, Remove was grayed out.

I'm not sure if it was a problem with my original image or not. There was a 3rd image of a man's head involved in this project. All 3 came from a graphics design person at a local printing plant. The CEO wants me to make a memorial plaque on alder for a deceased employee. I think the graphics person is quite more adept at Photoshop than I am, and she wants me to just print her design. That just didn't work, because she sent it as a layered .jpg and the images just didn't turn out very nice. I got the images by way of email from her and they have these boxes. I managed to reduce the sizes by way of the node tool because I was getting frustrated. I know that the way you and David are suggesting is best and I intend to pursue that technique some more.

Thank you for showing an interest in my little problem! I'm impressed.

I'm attaching a Corel file of a miniature version of my project which I burned to show to the CEO before I do a 12 by 15.

From: Carl (CSEWELL) [#15]
 20 Feb 2007
To: Ed (EMERY) [#12] 20 Feb 2007

where is Guntersville

Guntersville is about 45 miles southeast of Huntsville (about halfway between Gadsden and Huntsville) on US-431. It's also about 60 miles north-northeast of Birmingham.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#16]
 20 Feb 2007
To: Ed (EMERY) [#14] 20 Feb 2007

If you did just magic wand, invert, save. It would have saved it masked and would import to Corel Draw that way. It is automatic in Draw.

From: John (JOHNRMONTG) [#17]
 6 Mar 2007
To: Pedaler (ROYBREWER) [#13] 7 Mar 2007

Roy, et al .... I have tried your solution to this seeminly simple problem with an *.eps file with Corel X-3 but I have been unsucessful removing the background. I know in CorelDraw saving an image to a bitmap and checking {transparent background} should also remove the background or make it transparent but I just can't get it removed. HELP! What am i doing wrong or is it with X-3 that is the problem?
The only way I have been able to make it transparent is to import it with the EPS filter then use the trace bitmap feature, view it in wireframe mode, ungroup all of the individual vectors, remove the outer 'frame' vector and then re-convert into a bitmap. Unfortunately this seriously reduces the image quality and tends to change a lot of the image's colors.
Your help would be greatly appreciated as I have a project that is due tomorrow and I thought I would be able to 'pull it off' myself... so far no go! :-$

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#18]
 7 Mar 2007
To: John (JOHNRMONTG) [#17] 7 Mar 2007

Attach the file and I will see what I can do for you.

From: John (JOHNRMONTG) [#19]
 7 Mar 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#18] 7 Mar 2007

Harvey thanks so much .... I have attached the file for your efforts! I greatly appreciate it@!

correction: the file is too large so I sent you an email.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#20]
 7 Mar 2007
To: John (JOHNRMONTG) [#19] 7 Mar 2007

Yes, big file. But you could have posted it and then removed it. I brought it into CD9 and saved it. Over 3.6 Meg. Great resolution.

It should be by you already. The instructions on how to do it are in a second Email, just in case your server dumps big files without notification. (Many do.)

EDIT: I forgot to mask it, duh.

I tried to upload it to a special area of the forum and it did not get there.
I will have to try to do it a different way and post it so you can download it.


From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#21]
 7 Mar 2007
To: John (JOHNRMONTG) [#19] 7 Mar 2007

OK! I uploaded it directly into the forum. Let me know when you pick it up, it is now 8.5 Meg, (1,000 DPI).


Right click, 'Save target as...'.

From: John (JOHNRMONTG) [#22]
 7 Mar 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#21] 7 Mar 2007

Hi Harvey ... thanks for dooing that .... now, the only question(s) is(are):
1. How do I get that do that stage with x-3?
2. After I downloaded the image, and imported it into either Corel Draw or Corel Paint, at first in the 'preview' mode I can see the image with the mask over it in Corel Paint or the whole image in Corel Draw. However, after I actually import it (using the cpt filter) I only get a empty box. What is with that?



From: Carl (CSEWELL) [#23]
 7 Mar 2007
To: John (JOHNRMONTG) [#22] 7 Mar 2007

Open the image in CorelPaint. Then invert the mask (Mask>invert). Save the file as a CPT (CorelPaint). And then import it into CorelDraw.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#24]
 7 Mar 2007
To: Carl (CSEWELL) [#23] 7 Mar 2007

Carl explained it right.

Cursewords! I forgot to invert the mask, getting senile.

Open it with Paint, invert the mask and resave it. Then it will come into Draw they way you want it. (Did the tough stuff, forgot the simplest one.)

From: John (JOHNRMONTG) [#25]
 7 Mar 2007
To: Carl (CSEWELL) [#23] 7 Mar 2007

Hi Carl ... thanks for offering your feedback to this thread ... I really appreciate your comments and I especially enjoy looking and utilizing your interesting macros you offer in Corel Draw.
When i imported Harvey's file into CorelPaint as you suggested and select all objects (masks) and then invert the mask and then save it as a cpt file then open it into Corel Draw it comes in as two objects: image and the background mask which i then ungroup and then delete the background mask and yes, it removes the background mask but unfortunately the mask still has a lot of background white space in it. I am still needing the steps to be sucessful in this process with X-3.

Thanks for your time...

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#26]
 7 Mar 2007
To: John (JOHNRMONTG) [#25] 7 Mar 2007

Bring the file in as it was. Go to 'Mask/Invert', (or CTRL+SHIFT+I in ver 9).

Now save it. All you want is that automatic mask. It will import into Corel as a single masked object.

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#27]
 7 Mar 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#24] 8 Mar 2007

invert the mask, getting senile.


I have looked and looked and looked under the tool bar, in options, in dockers, in masks, in effects,....and I"m sorry, I simply cannot find

invert>mask>getting senile.

Can you point me in the right direction?


From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#28]
 7 Mar 2007
To: John (JOHNRMONTG) [#22] 8 Mar 2007


Having not seen the original graphic I cannot help, but I would suggest you contact Pradhan Balter. I am certian he will know the answer. He is very amiable to helping folks...especially those involved in ARA.

You can contact him at pradhanATretlabgraphicsDOTcom.

Mention my name if you need to.

From: UncleSteve [#29]
 7 Mar 2007
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#27] 8 Mar 2007

I simply cannot find

invert>mask>getting senile

That's because it is only in the earlier versions.... they forgot to put it in the newer versions..... (devil)

From: Carl (CSEWELL) [#30]
 7 Mar 2007
To: John (JOHNRMONTG) [#25] 8 Mar 2007

thanks for offering your feedback to this thread

You're welcome. I don't have X3 so I can't help you there. Is should be as simple as picking the magic wand tool and then clicking on the area that you want unmasked. You can play with the tolerance on the property bar and click again to see if you can improve the results. You can hold down CTRL and click to add to the mask or use Shift to do the opposite.

Playing with it and observing the results is your best bet. It may take a while to understand what is happening. The stuff in red will not be displayed if you save the file and then open it in CorelDraw.

Harvey's original file had what you wanted to keep in red. The background should have been in red (ie masked). If you used the original file and then selected Mask>Invert, that should have corrected the problem you were having. If you had saved Harvey's original file, that would change things. Go back and download his file again if it is available.

There are times that I just resort to manually cropping the image (ie using the paint brush to make the background white). Depending on which brush you use, you can create a feathered edge around the image that can produce some interesting results. That same or a similar result can be achieved by feathering the mask also.

Thanks for the comment about the macros. Sometimes the lack of comments, good or bad, are discouraging. But people are downloading them so maybe they are getting used. They sure do make my life easier.... well, the using them part, not the programming them part.

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