Full Version: Laser Pro 50 watt

From: denny (CARDINAL) [#1]
 21 Mar 2007

Hello all: We are selling a Laser Pro 50 watt which is virtually new. My wife and I purchased this equipment with intent to open a engraving business and never have. This laser is still sitting in our home studio where we have engraved a few images for ourselves in wood to see if it worked. That's it for use. Extras include cutting board and compressor and samples. The cabinet is 22 X 34 with front and back doors for long items if needed. The rated output was tested at 57 watts. It's here in Southern California. I will not ship but can deliver locally or you pick up. This machine sells for close to 29,000 new without extras, before taxes and delivery charges. Save thousands on price and in sales tax. $22,000
Dennis or Diana, 661-270-1496 home 661-305-8036 cell

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#2]
 21 Mar 2007
To: denny (CARDINAL) [#1] 21 Mar 2007


Sounds like a sweet deal for somebody, considering the price and the fact that the buyer wouldn't have to wait weeks, for one to arrive from the factory.

Good luck!

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#3]
 21 Mar 2007
To: denny (CARDINAL) [#1] 22 Mar 2007


Be careful with the no sales tax comment. Someone will likely have to pay sales tax or use tax on the purchase.

If I purchased that unit, I would have to pay the State of Missouri a use tax of 4.225% for the purchase. If I purchased it from someone in Missouri, the tax would be 6% to 7% depending on where the seller was located.

We need to support our governing agencies. They don't get enough of our money. >.<

From: gt350ed [#4]
 22 Mar 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#3] 22 Mar 2007

You might want to re-read his post. He said "save" on sales tax, not "no sales tax".

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#5]
 22 Mar 2007
To: gt350ed [#4] 22 Mar 2007


He did say "save" on sales tax and that is why I said what I said. We both interpreted his comment correctly, although differently. It's a real Win-Win sitation. :-)

From: gt350ed [#6]
 22 Mar 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#3] 22 Mar 2007

Holy moly! We're way of topic now, but this is what you said....

Be careful with the no sales tax comment.

What "comment"? The poster's statement inferred a savings on sales tax.

My interpretation of YOUR post was that, as a result of your post, readers might think the seller was suggesting that buyers could avoid sales tax. And, of course, the seller was NOT suggesting that. At least I don't believe he was based on how he worded it.

I'm done.

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#7]
 22 Mar 2007
To: gt350ed [#6] 22 Mar 2007


I read it as though some people sell for the price of the machine and sales tax, while others sell for just the price of the machine, which would "save" the buyer the sales tax.

There are many businesspeople who forget when they sell used equipment that they should be collecting sales tax, unless it is sold and shipped to a customer who is located outside a state in which their business is licensed, or if their customer is tax exempt.

I was simply looking out for a fellow forum member. Future problems could arise from such an oversight. I in no way was declaring anyone a "bad guy". I hope you know me better than that.

I am referring to deals withing the U.S. market. I'm sure laws vary tremendously country to country and continent to continent.

EDITED: 22 Mar 2007 by DATAKES

From: Boz (CHEDDARHEAD) [#8]
 22 Mar 2007

And you could say, State To State. Every state has a different sales tax policy.

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#9]
 22 Mar 2007
To: Boz (CHEDDARHEAD) [#8] 23 Mar 2007

And every state is re-visiting their current policy due to the impact of internet sales on their sales tax.

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