Full Version: Laser Exhaust Systems

From: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#29]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#28] 4 Apr 2007

Forgot to mention - I have just one laser...currently! :)

From: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#30]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#28] 4 Apr 2007

I should hope that by venting through the roof the noise factor would be projected up out of ear shot.

How noisy is the unit running on the floor by your feet??

From: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#31]
 4 Apr 2007
To: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#30] 4 Apr 2007

I'm not a noise expert but I believe the current setup of the exhaust directly venting to the outside with no piping/tubing between the exhaust and the outside is the problem. It is incredibly loud.

There is 6' of flex hose from the laser to the blower and then there is 8" from the exit of the blower to the outside.

But before my husband begins cutting holes in the roof, etc., I'm hoping to get some type of reassurance that it's only got to get better (i.e. quieter on the outside) with his efforts.

From: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#32]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#31] 4 Apr 2007

But where is the fan unit going to be loacted??? up in the attic???

That's what is making all the noise..

Is the Smell a major factor to moving to the roof. If not a small fan is in order...

Just my recomendation. At 300cfm I have to check the "on" switch to make sure mine in even running.......


From: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#33]
 4 Apr 2007
To: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#32] 4 Apr 2007

Well now that's interesting....It is the noise - not the smell - that is a major concern. There is absolutely no question when mine is on.

Maybe you've got a point...my unit would not be moved in this new set up. It would stay on the floor in the shop. My thought (or wishful thinking) was all this PVC run of pipe was needed to get the noise level down. But maybe what I need is a smaller/quieter blower??

What unit are you using?

You say you have to even check your 'on' switch to see if it is running. How is the noise from the outside?


From: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#34]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#33] 4 Apr 2007

And where is your blower located in relation to your laser?

From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#35]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#33] 4 Apr 2007

It's not a good idea to leave the blower next to the laser and try to push the air through 30+ feet of pipe. The blower should be at the end, pulling the air through the pipe.

Your blower sounds like overkill first of all. If it's 1000 CFM, that's more than twice the CFM Epilog suggests for a mini.

If you build a box in the attic for the blower, and insulate the box, then blow up out of the roof, I would suspect that most of the sound would be contained in that box.

You can run a remote power switch down to the laser room and simply flick that switch before you start lasering.

BTW, use straight wall ducting for the exhaust to cut down on resistance in the pipe and the resonance caused by flexible tubing.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#36]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#33] 4 Apr 2007

For a long range power switch, checkout the Long Ranger carried by Woodcrafters. It will remotely turn on and off 1 1/2 HP devices. Be sure to get the one for your voltage.

From: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#37]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#35] 4 Apr 2007

OK - looks like my Epilog rep may have suggested a too powerful (and noisy) blower. Not his problem...that's my mistake for not checking that part out more closely...

So what is the quietest blower with a 400 CFM minimum capacity? Anyone have any recommendations?

From: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#38]
 4 Apr 2007

OK - I've found out some more info...

My blower is a 850 CFM. Epilog manual says for the mini to use a minimum of 400.

I've been looking online at inline blowers. Anyone using that as opposed to the portable exhaust blower setup?

From: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#39]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#38] 4 Apr 2007

I use an Inline


No problem meeting my needs.

From: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#40]
 4 Apr 2007
To: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#39] 4 Apr 2007

OK - this is exactly what I'm thinking~!

Now which blower do you have? There are about 20 listed on the spec sheet and none that specifically matches your 300 CFM statement above.

Thanks in advance!

From: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#41]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#40] 4 Apr 2007

Of Course I made the statement prior to pulling up the chart.. :P .. 212 cfm 125 B. I'm pulling what appears to be the same air as what my clothes dryer is pushing out the vent....... Chart says 53 DB but with the laser on and 4 cooling fans........all you hear are the cooling fans to the tube...........

From: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#42]
 4 Apr 2007
To: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#41] 4 Apr 2007

So it looks like you're going from 4" to 5" then back down to 4"?

thanks for all your help - We're going to look into this company tomorrow. The decibal level is lower than our current setup which is up towards 80. These inline are in the 50 range. Think we're on to something!

Thanks again, Mark! Will let you know how we make out!

From: sprinter [#43]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#42] 4 Apr 2007


The Epilog Mini and TT also uses the exhaust for cooling of the laser tube, it does not have built in fans. So be carefull of going below 400-600 cfm. This is a case of more is better. Moving the blower motor to the attic or outside is a better solution.

From: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#44]
 4 Apr 2007
To: sprinter [#43] 4 Apr 2007

Is there a filter that keeps the laser (cooling fins I assume) from getting caked with gunk from lasing.....This would appear to degrade the cooling effect and infact insulate the tube??

From: sprinter [#45]
 4 Apr 2007
To: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#44] 4 Apr 2007


The air flow is sucked over the tube before it enters the bed area to pick up the smoke and then it exhausts.

From: PenTrophy (PENINSULATROPHY) [#46]
 4 Apr 2007
To: sprinter [#45] 4 Apr 2007

Thanks for the info.

From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#47]
 4 Apr 2007
To: sprinter [#43] 4 Apr 2007

That might be the case for the TT but not the mini. It has the tube in the back with it's own cooling fans above it. The exhaust air doesn't go near it.

From: Holly (GRIZGIRLS) [#48]
 4 Apr 2007
To: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#47] 5 Apr 2007

Yes - that's my mini too. I have 4 cooling fans.

Dave - what type of exhaust setup do you have for the mini? (Apologize in advance if you already stated earlier in this post....no coffee yet!)

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