Full Version: Southern California Lucky Ducks
From: Boz (CHEDDARHEAD) [#11]
5 Apr 2007
Hey Mike, the machine arrived here on Wednesday. You guys did a great job. Now, if I can only get the thing to work. It's our first VersaLaser, so it is a little different from the Professional series that we have worked with for years.
OK, OK. I'm no seal expert, but here is the real story. Somewhere between Victorville and the Mad Greek, we are running down the road at 80 MPH with all of the other travelers, through what is known as Death Valley. We are in the left lane, doing that southern California NASCAR thing. AS we are coming up to a small bridge, there is an object, kinda dead light blueish in color, laying in the median. I'm driving and Diane is co-piloting. It was one of those things that you see, but it really doesn't register for a while. A couple of miles later, I ask her my usual question, did you see that? And she says, you mean the dead seal? There were some pretty good winds, so it wasn't a blow up toy. I do not know what else it could have been.
Some of you might say the sighting was from an over active imagination, or maybe from one too many California raisins. But these kind of things happen to me. A few years ago, Diane drove our son out to Bozeman Montana to play hockey for the year. She and the young lad drove out one week, and everywhere they went they saw wild creatures. Bison, Prairie Dogs, Elk, wolves, bears, Mountain Goats,..... So she gets back to town, and we decide we are going to drive back out and spend a couple of weeks touring Montana. We spend 10 days driving around the state, camping many nights. By the end of the trip, my eyes are tired from scanning the landscape looking for animals. 4,600 miles, and we only saw two animals. About 50 miles outside Glacier National Park, we are driving along some lonesome road, and there is a camel standing just inside the barb wire fence in the middle of no where. OK, chalk it up to ? About 10 miles later, we are driving along and pass something dead on the edge of the road. A couple of minutes later, I ask Diane the question, did you see that? Her response, "Oh, you mean that monkey that was laying there?" I swear, 4,600 of some of the prettiest landscape in the world, and I get to see a camel and a dead monkey, not even one of those pesky prairie dogs. So, I guess a dead seal on the side of the road in Death Valley is about par for the course.
From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#12]
9 Apr 2007
To: Boz (CHEDDARHEAD) [#1] 10 Apr 2007
I'm disappointed that Jim didn't get you and Diane to do a little sky diving with him.
All that talent and support makes me want to move to California. NOT!
From: Boz (CHEDDARHEAD) [#13]
10 Apr 2007