Full Version: Vector cutting Laser Max
From: Laser Image (LASER_IMAGE) [#8]
9 Apr 2007
To: Larry B (PALMETTO) [#7] 10 Apr 2007
Just to throw in my .02 (your value may vary)
If I were running my laser 8 hours a day, 5 days a week then I would consider jobbing this out. If not, I would do it myself. Why pay someone else to do work that you may have plenty of time to do yourself? Same thing with the vector cutting, why pay JP to do something you have time to do yourself? The cost of running the laser is pretty minimal and may not make sense to pay someone else.
Also, I have been using flourescent fixture "eggcrate" for my cutting grid. I pay 9.00 per sheet (24" x 48") and I have been using the same sheet for about 6 months now. Buy two of them and cut one into 12" x 12" squares and the other one into whatever the max size is for your laser. Use the smaller pieces for small jobs and use the big piece for anything that requires more room. My laser is 32 x 20 and would cost a small fortune for a "laser grid", not so much for eggcrate.
Good luck!
oops - I meant to reply to Ed, not Larry B...
From: Ed (EMERY) [#9]
9 Apr 2007
To: Laser Image (LASER_IMAGE) [#8] 9 Apr 2007
It takes 2 passes at 4:51 each to cut 24 plates.
Rowmark suggested leavng the protective plastic on, vector cutting, then removing the protective sheet before rastering. I cut 2 sheets with the protective sheet on, and the scorching peels off.
Still going to be a huge job if it goes through. We are going to negotiate price this week.
This is 1/8 inch LaserMax. I vectored at 25 speed, 90 power today and it cut pretty nice, but still not perfectly...I had just a millimeter or sot of material uncut. The tech girl from Rowmark wanted me to use 6 speed and 100 power. It cut well, but it took 19 minutes. I saved 5 minutes using my settings. I have a 35 watt Epilog.
I'm still trying to find the optimal settings. I'm going to make some test cuts on scrap material tomorrow.
From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#10]
9 Apr 2007
To: Laser Image (LASER_IMAGE) [#8] 9 Apr 2007
Not as cheap as eggcrate, but $100 plus shipping for a "real" laser grid.
From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#11]
9 Apr 2007
To: Ed (EMERY) [#9] 9 Apr 2007
It sounds like you should at least boost your power to 100%.
What Frequency are you using for vectoring?
From: Ed (EMERY) [#12]
9 Apr 2007
To: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#11] 9 Apr 2007
From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#13]
9 Apr 2007
To: Ed (EMERY) [#12] 9 Apr 2007
From: John (ICTJOHN) [#14]
10 Apr 2007
To: Laser Image (LASER_IMAGE) [#8] 10 Apr 2007
You might want to check the content on the "eggcrate" material -
PVC is very harmful to the machine & humans...............
It also burns and has a lot of "crud" buildup and in general, messy.
"I know, been there and done that".
You have already seen that one of our forum members sell the grids,
and so does:
www.benecorinc.com - these have no frame around them, just an "insert" if you will.
From: Laser Image (LASER_IMAGE) [#15]
10 Apr 2007
To: John (ICTJOHN) [#14] 10 Apr 2007
Funny, I never even gave it a thougth as to what the eggcrate was made of... I'll check into it - hopefully it isn't pvc!
Anyone know what they are made of?
From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#16]
10 Apr 2007
To: Laser Image (LASER_IMAGE) [#15] 10 Apr 2007
Also be sure it is not styrene. My two laser fires were caused by that. The beam goes out of focus as it goes to the bottom of the grid, and styrene WILL catch fire eventually.
I am now using Mike's grid and find it very good.