Full Version: Dual monitors
From: John (ICTJOHN) [#7]
9 Apr 2007
To: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#3] 9 Apr 2007
If you get a 3rd monitor.................. You WILL get that "Pocket Protector!"
From: sunny (SUNSHINE5555) [#8]
9 Apr 2007
To: Jim (RETAIL74) [#2] 9 Apr 2007
From: logojohn [#9]
9 Apr 2007
I got hooked on it. But sometimes there is a conflict especially if the 2 video cards are the same brand even with XP.
I got one(2nd video card) and it wouldn't work in one computer but did on another. I got another brand and it worked in the first one to. I tried moving it to a new computer later since I wouldn't use the old one as much. It wouldn't work on the new one so I just moved it back and went without on the new one for now.
The best thing is to buy the computer with 2 cards or that capability built in to avoid any problems.
For my home computer I bought one that has a digital monitor connection and a regular monitor connection. I hooked up a 28" LCD TV ( much cheaper than a computer monitor) to the digital and my old 19" lcd to the other. It works as dual monitors with both connected. If you want you can split the screen and watch TV at the same time. Because of the aspect difference it displays only 22" diagonally so isn't too big like it would seem.
I paste text 90% of the time to XGW32 from customer files, scanned OCR text or dictation software.(I HATE typing) I have the text files on one screen and the XGW on the other for easy access.
When making logos I have coreldraw on one and the font thing on the other for matching fonts in logos.
From: logojohn [#10]
9 Apr 2007
To: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#3] 9 Apr 2007
You must have the "Texas" disease too.
I actually tried it!! but I couldn't get it to work.
From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#11]
9 Apr 2007
To: logojohn [#9] 9 Apr 2007
From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#12]
9 Apr 2007
To: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#3] 9 Apr 2007
EDITED: 9 Apr 2007 by DATAKES
From: logojohn [#13]
9 Apr 2007
To: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#11] 10 Apr 2007
From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#14]
11 Apr 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#12] 12 Apr 2007
Do you want me to smack him for you? ( insert laugh here)
From: Andrew [#15]
11 Apr 2007
Have been working with dual monitors for about a year now. Its one of those things I wouldn't do without now. Huge productivity benefits once I resited the hurge to use Alt+Tab to switch between screens!. I didn't even realise the graphics card in my PC had this capability until my wife wandered into my workshop one day and hooked it up.
Yes look like a geek, and a visiting engineer reckoned I was working in the star ship enterprise. Love It! =:)