Full Version: JDS Brass Bell

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#1]
 10 Apr 2007

I am just full of requests today.

I am in desperate need of one JDS brass bell to complete an order. The item number is SB7 on Page 242 of their 2007 catalog. They are out of stock on this item at all of their distribution centers until late April. :-(

Another alternative would be to find comparable bells for a similar price. In that case I would need more than just the one.

EDITED: 10 Apr 2007 by DATAKES

From: Tony (ANTE) [#2]
 10 Apr 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#1] 10 Apr 2007


I just called local distributor and they have two in stock in Mississauga Ontario. Let me know if you would consider getting them from here.


From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#3]
 10 Apr 2007
To: Tony (ANTE) [#2] 10 Apr 2007

My other challenge is that I need them in my hands in Missouri no later than Friday using ground shipping. Going through US Customs is likely not going to allow that to happen.

From: Tony (ANTE) [#4]
 10 Apr 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#3] 10 Apr 2007


I guess, cost of shipping will bring price out of range.
These bells are priced at $23.85 each up here.
Anyway here is a contact:


From: Carl (CSEWELL) [#5]
 10 Apr 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#1] 10 Apr 2007


I know have one or two, but I'm not sure on the size and part number. I'm not at the shop now, but I'll check in the morning.

Remind me if you don't hear from me by 9:00 am CDT.

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#6]
 10 Apr 2007
To: Carl (CSEWELL) [#5] 10 Apr 2007

Thank you Carl.

From: Carl (CSEWELL) [#7]
 10 Apr 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#1] 10 Apr 2007

Sorry, Dave. I remotely checked on the part number and I'm pretty sure I have (2) of the SB6, not the SB7.

I'll double-check in the morning, but I don't hold out much hope. Although I do make mistakes!

From: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#8]
 10 Apr 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#1] 10 Apr 2007

I have just one David if you would like it......SB7

I just looked at it and the finish is not desireable...has a cloudy look to it and can't clean it up.

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#9]
 10 Apr 2007
To: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#8] 10 Apr 2007


Can I assume you tried a brass polish?

From: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#10]
 10 Apr 2007
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#9] 10 Apr 2007

I first tried Award Glo.......then Brasso......doesnt affect it. I've had it about a year, wonder if JDS will let me return it.

One side is ok.....

From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#11]
 10 Apr 2007
To: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#10] 10 Apr 2007

I've had some of these with lacquer coating and some without. Maybe JDS has has stopped ordering because of quality issues from their source.

I'll probably need to pass on your bell, but I appreciate the offer.

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