Full Version: Baltic Birch Alternative

From: Tom (TJGEENEN) [#1]
 15 Apr 2007

Just got back from Home Depot and they have " Door Skins" again. This stuff is a great alternative to Baltic Birch for those of us doing crafty things such as LaserBuzz Stuff. It comes in 36 x 84 inch sheets for $6.95.

From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#2]
 15 Apr 2007
To: Tom (TJGEENEN) [#1] 15 Apr 2007


Thank you for that. I have been looking for them...and as much as I hate Home Depot, I guess that is where I must go, because Lowes doesn't have them.....I'll check them out tomorrow.


From: Larry B (PALMETTO) [#3]
 15 Apr 2007
To: Tom (TJGEENEN) [#1] 15 Apr 2007

Give some details. I'm not familiar with exactly what it is. Is it birch or other species? How thick? Do you know Home Depots SKU number? Do they call it "Door skins" or do they have another name for it? Door skin material would probably be an 1/8" or so, huh?

From: Tom (TJGEENEN) [#4]
 15 Apr 2007
To: Larry B (PALMETTO) [#3] 15 Apr 2007


they do call it " door skin" sorry, I do not the SKU, it is about 1/8 inch thick, maybe a little less and you can find it in the lumber section with the finished boards. It is used for repairing hollow core doors that got smashed in. As far as what it is made of, who knows!!!! I think they just use the cheapest wood around and cut it up. Some of the sheets look better than others, I just pull them out until I find a good one.

From: Larry B (PALMETTO) [#5]
 15 Apr 2007
To: Tom (TJGEENEN) [#4] 15 Apr 2007

OK. Thanks. I did a search on Home Depots site and didn't see it. I'll look at the store.

From: Tom (TJGEENEN) [#6]
 15 Apr 2007
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#2] 15 Apr 2007

I agree Chuck, I hate Home Depot but it is so close to my house.......

From: Ruben (QUIEROLEARN) [#7]
 15 Apr 2007
To: Tom (TJGEENEN) [#4] 15 Apr 2007


isn't call Luan? I had used Luan from Home Depot and I like it is inexpensive and cuts very well, it raster engrave nice too but it has it's place, depends in what I'm doing some times I use Birch and some times Luan.


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