Full Version: Engraving Shop Supplies4 Sale

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#1]
 18 Apr 2007

From: Boz (CHEDDARHEAD) 16 Apr 13:00
To: ALL 1 of 13

Over the weekend, Diane and I went to an engraving shop to pick up a Gravograph LS 900 laser engraver. We thought it wuold be a quick in and out, getting the laser to sell. Well, we ran into a rather unfortunate story.

Last March, a fellow engraver, I don't think he was a member of EE, dropped over and died very quickly. This fellow had started an engraving shop out of his garage and shop the year before. He had been a manufacturing engineer, but got down sized. So he started doing some engraving. Bought himself a laser engraver, a sublimation press, a mug press, a large format color printer, and tons of materials to get his shop off the ground. To make a long story short, he didn't take any of this "stuff" with him. He left his widow with a ton of stuff, and she has no idea what to do with any of it. So we told her we would see if we couldn't help her out. All of the items listed below are in extremely nice condition. Let's see if we can't help this lady out. She is selling her house and moving to Iowa soon

Epson Stylus Pro 4000 - Epson Ultra Chrome Printer with tray feed and roll feed capabilities. The readout to the printer says it has 268 pages printed and 8200 cm. Printer has 4 ink cartridges in it (possibly empty) and 8 extra Sublijet 4000 IQ 220 cartridges that expire 8/07. I would guess 2 sets of CMYB. Looks like new

Transfer Pro Multi Media Press - Mug Pro - L799 Looks like new

Knight Digital Swinger Sublimation Press 16" X 20"

Now, for anyone wanting to get into the general engraving business, she has a supply of stuff that would get anyone off the ground. This guy bought all of the office supplies a full running office would need to run day in and day out. Paper, staplers, hole punchers, hanging file cabinets, ........ (More stuff than we have in our office and we are 12 years in business.)

Engraving supplies and products - Boxes of T-shirts. Boxes of different colored pet tags. Mugs: glass, ceramic and SS insultated, glasses, obelisks, some plaques, tiles - boxes of 4 X 4 and 6 X 6 ceramic tiles. wooden Desk plates . A really cool cabint he made to hold flat engraving stock. Engraving stock - metal plates, plastic engraving stock, ..... And I didn't get to really snoop. Someone could go in there and outfit themselves with some great products.

This shop is located in the Minneapolis/ St. Paul metro area. If anyone has a question about any or all of it, please let me know and "I will either refer you directly to her, or I will get an answer for you. The Gravograph laser is not included in this deal. We are selling it independently for her.

He also has like 5pcs. of 6 ft. high roller toolboxes full of tools. Craftsman boxes. And every drawer is labeled.

Now don't get me wrong, and whatever you do, don't tell anyone that I am being this nice. It could ruin my image.

Robert H. Bosworth
ACCESS Business Solutions, Inc.
Hudson, WI. 54016
(715) 386-8021

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) 16 Apr 13:51
To: Boz (CHEDDARHEAD) 16 Apr 16:34 2 of 13

6658.2 In reply to 6658.1
Now don't get me wrong, and whatever you do, don't tell anyone that I am being this nice. It could ruin my image.

Don't worry Rob. The secret of your our terse manner and sinister ways are safe with us. :-)

Thanks for the heads up. Sounds like some great equipment that deserves a good home.
David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA

From: Boz (CHEDDARHEAD) [#2]
 18 Apr 2007

Thanks for everyone's input. We have a winner. Actually we might two winners. We have a very nice young man in Florida who is going to be expanding into sublimation in the future. He is sending this lady a check for the equipment. We also have another fellow from the upper midwest that will be talking to her about coming and getting the rest of her stuff. I think everyone will be happy with what they get out of the deal. I got a digital scale that will weigh items up to 5 lbs. It is currently collecting dust next to the bread making machine we got a few years ago. (It still won't compete with the Nordic Trak in my bathroom. That thing is the best dust collector I have ever seen.

OOOOpss. I am drifting off thread again?

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