Full Version: Engraving Shop Supplies4 Sale

From: Boz (CHEDDARHEAD) [#2]
 18 Apr 2007

Thanks for everyone's input. We have a winner. Actually we might two winners. We have a very nice young man in Florida who is going to be expanding into sublimation in the future. He is sending this lady a check for the equipment. We also have another fellow from the upper midwest that will be talking to her about coming and getting the rest of her stuff. I think everyone will be happy with what they get out of the deal. I got a digital scale that will weigh items up to 5 lbs. It is currently collecting dust next to the bread making machine we got a few years ago. (It still won't compete with the Nordic Trak in my bathroom. That thing is the best dust collector I have ever seen.

OOOOpss. I am drifting off thread again?

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