Full Version: Wondering about engravelab
From: Tony (ANTE) [#37]
24 Apr 2007
To: logojohn [#36] 24 Apr 2007
Just like you, I to love to work with XWG software. One thing I miss is spellchecker that was part of original package and it had included French and German spellcheck option along with English and American English. With newer upgrades I can't access them any more.
Have you had at any point French and German spellchecker on your system? I belive it has been dropped in version 4 or 5. It would come handy on numerous occasions.
From: logojohn [#38]
24 Apr 2007
To: Tony (ANTE) [#37] 24 Apr 2007
I don't remember ever engraving an award with French or German.
I have a regular customer who uses Laotian and just did my first in Chinese.
Down here in "Tejas" a Spanish spell check would be very useful.
My biggest complaint is some of the XLG engraving fonts that don't have some of the tildas and accented letters that are common in Spanish.
I had a couple years of Spanish in high school but still have trouble figuring out the scribbling some people give us.
Have you every tried or do you use XGW to run the Universal laser or will it work?
EDITED: 24 Apr 2007 by LOGOJOHN
From: Tony (ANTE) [#39]
24 Apr 2007
To: logojohn [#38] 24 Apr 2007
Logojohn, yes I do run Universal laser from XWG all the time.
I find it lot easier to set-up panel layuots in XWG vs. Coreldraw. Using simple drawing tools and place them in x, y coordinates quick and easy.
From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#40]
24 Apr 2007
To: logojohn [#36] 24 Apr 2007
I bet you are a lot of fun at a party. ( insert laugh here)
From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#41]
24 Apr 2007
To: Fred (FREDQ1E) [#35] 24 Apr 2007
How much is it?
Also, my vision rep told me you have an adapter for the chip collector vacuum hose, that would take it up to a shop vac size. I could not download your online catalog because at the end of the download it said, file does not exist.......sigh....
Thanks again for your input regarding engravelab....it will get used....it has too, but I do not know if it will ever replace Corel for me....maybe one day.
I uninstalled v6.1 when I got v7.1 since I never used it......my rep says I should put it back on the machine and start to run my laser from it. I guess the question is why can't I run my laser from v7.1? Something to do with the dongle?
And finally just what IS a dongle and what does it do? Why is it necessary?
EDITED: 24 Apr 2007 by C_BURKE
From: Fred (FREDQ1E) [#42]
24 Apr 2007
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#41] 24 Apr 2007
A dongle is a plug that either plugs into your parallel port or more currently a usb port. It cost a few dollars to get a usb dongle but are much better and aften required if running XP.
My chip system uses a 6 gallon cannister rather than 1 gal std. It is something you could duplicate. I got no patent on using a big o area of empty space. Probably should have. Would own Rancho Cucamonga. HaHa
Please email me off this site for other stuff. I would rather not use this site as a selling means.
Often information, advise and products go hand in hand but I know I would not want a sales ad associated with input.
I will look into the possible download bug. grrrrrrrrr
From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#43]
24 Apr 2007
To: Fred (FREDQ1E) [#42] 24 Apr 2007
Hi Fred,
I guess I should have phrased my question differently.
I know what a dongle is physically....I just don't understand the point....Corel doesn't use one.....what is it's purpose?
I'll be in touch.
From: Peter [#44]
24 Apr 2007
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#43] 24 Apr 2007
Its purpose is to stop the software being thieved for other people to use.
Or even yourself.
Your software will not operate without one.
Dongle= Key, but for only one computer, you want more, they cost you more.
$1,000 is not out of the question.
From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#45]
25 Apr 2007
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#43] 25 Apr 2007
From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#46]
25 Apr 2007
To: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#45] 25 Apr 2007
From: Dave Jones (DAVERJ) [#47]
25 Apr 2007
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#46] 25 Apr 2007
That would be up to the software. Basically the software checks to see if the dongle is there and if it is then the software does whatever the software does. If no dongle, then the software stops running or might go into a demo mode (again, that's up to whoever wrote the software).
There's no specific thing that a dongle allows or not. It's simply a special piece of hardware that software designed to recognize it can then check for it and recognize it.
Dongles usually have some encrypted number stored in them that relates to whatever company or software it is used for. So a dongle supplied by, for example, Newtek to use with Lightwave 3D software is useless to run Vision engraving software, even if the dongle is manufactured by the same dongle maker and looks exactly the same. It's internal encrypted number is different so the software doesn't recognize it.
From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#48]
25 Apr 2007
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#46] 25 Apr 2007
That all depends on the software.
I know of one dongle that will allow you to run all one companies machines from it. But when the code is changed it can run many, but not all, machines from different companies.
It all depends on what the writers want to protect and what they want to allow.
EDITED: 25 Apr 2007 by HARVEY-ONLY
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