Full Version: Extending annual plaque

From: ABH (BACHI) [#1]
 23 Apr 2007

A customer has asked me for ideas on extending the attached plaque to accomodate additional annual plates.
He needs to add at least eight more plates and is suggesting some sort of a hanging extension.

I need idea and a lot of help.

EDITED: 25 Apr 2007 by DGL

From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#2]
 23 Apr 2007
To: ABH (BACHI) [#1] 23 Apr 2007


How about another plaque board of the same width, which could be hung from the original with screw-in eyelets?

From: logojohn [#3]
 23 Apr 2007
To: ABH (BACHI) [#1] 23 Apr 2007

Remove the gold plates that are on there.

Make a new black laser brass or black laser steel plate the width of the big plate that will fit under it where the gold plates are now.
If there is room, laser a bold gold border to match the top.
To do it at the edge laser the border centered on a bigger piece and shear off to the edge.
Also laser the number of boxes you want to make room for. There should be room for 2 rows a little smaller that what is there now. But the black brass will be easier to read and you can laser it.
The names are not lasered on this plate.
Laser the names on another small plate for each name slightly larger than the area inside the lasered boxes.

When you tape on the plates the bold gold borders hide the plate edge so it looks like one piece again unless looking very close-up. It looks straighter and more finished and almost anyone can add a new one correctly. Next time they can just order the new stickon plate and they don't even have to bring back the whole thing.

EDITED: 23 Apr 2007 by LOGOJOHN

From: dun_it (OREGON) [#4]
 24 Apr 2007

If he doesn't mind going wider, you can add a plaque to each side the same heigth as the original and a little wider than the brass plates. They can hang seperate from the original and still look like part of the group. We have used this method a couple of times on revolving awards and they look great.


From: Rob (AWARDZZ) [#5]
 24 Apr 2007

Hi all

find a plaques same wood, coating etc.... and attach mount on wall underneath existing plaque.... we never attach a chain to the new one, just leave chain dangling behind the new plaque, and attach with double sided tape to existing (on back) will give appearanc they are connected... remember perception is reality...


From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#6]
 24 Apr 2007
To: Rob (AWARDZZ) [#5] 25 Apr 2007

Super simple unique idea.

From: Rob (AWARDZZ) [#7]
 25 Apr 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#6] 25 Apr 2007

Thanks Harvey;

Finally after 3 years on this forum I finally came up with something usable.

What a great day this is for me :'D

Back to earth, back to work,

if i could just get off this cloud 9


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