Full Version: Plaque to hold 2 small pictures?

From: varn (VARNCO) [#1]
 25 Apr 2007

I am looking for a way to mount two small pictures side by side (perhaps, say 3" x 5" where 5" is vertical), and then a small brass engraved tag underneath.

Something like the attached.

From: John (ICTJOHN) [#2]
 25 Apr 2007
To: varn (VARNCO) [#1] 25 Apr 2007

The most common way is to use 3" x 5" Plexiglas to cover each photo and screw them to the plaque. Another option is to use "clear top load" plastic type pouches and use 2-way tape to attach to the plaque.
Plastic Plus has these listed on page 121 of the 2007 catalog but come in 3" x 4" or 4" x 6", not 3" x 5".

Does this help???


From: gt350ed [#3]
 25 Apr 2007
To: varn (VARNCO) [#1] 25 Apr 2007

In addition to what John has suggested, we actually have a template layed out in Corel, that looks very similar to your attached image. We vector cut it on our laser. We tape it down on the plaque and it perfectly positions the photos and beveled acrylic, as well as the engraving plate. Makes this type of plaque a snap to put together.

I hope this helps. Good luck!

From: gt350ed [#4]
 25 Apr 2007
To: gt350ed [#3] 25 Apr 2007

I forgot to mention that the template is a wasted piece of Rowmark or similar material. It could be a masonite type of material as well; about 1/8" in thickness.

From: John (ICTJOHN) [#5]
 25 Apr 2007
To: gt350ed [#3] 25 Apr 2007


I use that type of template for a lot of my perpetual plaques as well.
Use a piece of Rowmark plastic, using CorelDRAW for alignment, cut out a space for each plate, tape the template to the plaque, position each plate in the appropriate space, drill holes or tape plate down----DONE!
No more mis-aligned plaques and 10 times quicker than manually placing & aligning.

From: varn (VARNCO) [#6]
 25 Apr 2007
To: John (ICTJOHN) [#5] 25 Apr 2007

Thanks for the direction and tips!

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