Full Version: shaping text

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#10]
 25 Apr 2007
To: Mike (MIKEN) [#9] 25 Apr 2007

It did not work, then it did. (Corel 9, have to try it with X3.)

When you go into the text mode, you get the text cross hair. If you touch the line you get an A with a curve under it. BUT go just inside the line and it changes to something inside a rectangle, BINGO that is the cursor that does it. (Just found out that by holding shift it changes to the inside thingy also.)


Is there a way to change the spacing to the edge or do I have to set up the curve to smaller than the area put in the text and then make the control curve outline clear?

This will be a mighty tool for some of the things I am currently doing. Thanks again.

From: Mike (MIKEN) [#11]
 25 Apr 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#10] 25 Apr 2007


Only guessing here but you may be able to do all you want with the usual text manipulation tools. You may have to change font size, use full justification or individual character kerning.

From: sprinter [#12]
 25 Apr 2007
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#10] 25 Apr 2007


Use the Text to Path tool. You can do inside, ouside, centerline or move it where you want it.

From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#13]
 25 Apr 2007
To: sprinter [#12] 25 Apr 2007

Mike's advice got me to exactly where I needed to be. I just wish Gravostyle98 could do the same thing.

All text controls and node manipulation work exactly as expected. The only thing I could not find was the setting for the distance from the enclosure to the text. But who cares, it is a minor thing to manipulate the size of the container before hand.

Text to path is a totally different function. I wanted to draw the oddball shape of an award and have the text automatically stay away from the inside edges, which this does.

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