Full Version: New Hermes ITF II

From: Mike (EJPUBLISHER) [#11]
 26 Feb 2005
To: sawdr73 [#1] 26 Feb 2005


The New Hermes ITF series machines came out in the early 1960s as the industrial market for engraving was opening up. This machine has a separate upper structure which is removable from the base so that, for example, you can lift the top off and place it on the floor and engrave directly into the floor. The base is fabricated from steel and has a pair of movable jaws which can be either moved individually or opened and closed in unison.

This machine was mostly used to hold square flat items (badges, signs, control panels, Etc.). The pantograph, motor spindle, etc. are interchangable with the New Hermes GTX, GTV, ITX, GTX-Universal machines and this machine should have an 11/64" rotary spindle.

You see a fair number of these machines for sale used in The Engravers Journal's classified section (www.engraversjournal.com). These "flatbed" industrial style pantographs are not in high demand today because they are not very versatile for holding various items, as compared to the models mentioned above which have a self centering vise and utilize the vast selection of holding jigs available for them.

Incidentally if you do go ahead with this machine, we have a wealth of information available -- articles published in the 1970s and 80s which discuss everything from identifying the models to preventive maintenance, repairs, and basic operation. Our web site has a complete subject index of all the articles published 1975-present.

You also might want to talk to Bob Laird (Laird Equipment Company, Dresher, PA). Bob is an expert regarding New Hermes pantographs and also deals in replacement parts, type fonts, etc.

Good luck!

From: sawdr73 [#12]
 26 Feb 2005
To: Mike (EJPUBLISHER) [#11] 27 Feb 2005


Thank you for the informative post. I still do not know if this machine is for sale or not. I will try to find that out this next week if possible. I have been looking at various machines and options and have decided that , for me, I should probably look at a more up to date machine, probably computerized. I am not yet sure what market niche is available in my area and am currently researching that. Once I determine what is needed here, then I can make a better decision on what machine to purchase.

I'll check out the articals online and try to get a little better educated.

Thanks again.

Mickey Parker
Vital Signs

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