Full Version: Bending plastic
From: geebeau [#1]
6 Feb 2005
Hi, all..
What's the easiest way to bend a piece of Rowmark plastic so that it can stand by itself?
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#2]
6 Feb 2005
To: geebeau [#1] 6 Feb 2005
A strip heater is the easiest way. I think they kick in at about $150. Not sure about that. I got one as part of of an acquisiton from an engraving shop, which was going out of business.
David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA
From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#3]
6 Feb 2005
To: geebeau [#1] 6 Feb 2005
Johnson Plastics has a couple in their catalog. They work very nicely.
I think a while back their was a discussion about how to build a homemade strip heater. I will see if I can dig it up.
Found it here> http://www.engravingetc.org/forum/?msg=272.1
EDITED: 6 Feb 2005 by DATAKES
From: geebeau [#4]
6 Feb 2005
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#3] 6 Feb 2005
Thanx.. I was looking for more of a quick0-fix do it with a hair dryer type of thing..
From: Rodney Gold (RODNEY_GOLD) [#5]
6 Feb 2005
To: geebeau [#4] 6 Feb 2005
From: Jim (PUZZLEHEAD) [#6]
6 Feb 2005
To: geebeau [#1] 7 Feb 2005
The cost of a strip heater is an excellent investment. Mine pays for itself several times over every single week. If I used it for nothing more than foldover type name badges, it would pay for itself every week. I also do a lot of free standing signs and I have bent over 2 million restaurant table or tray tents with it. You can also make things like machine safety shields, Lane Closed signs for grocery stores, Next Teller Please signs, clear acrylic literature holders and unusually shaped industrial panels. I have several chains of jewelry stores that buy lots of tiny free standing price tags from me. When I want to make a softer bend in the plastic (which is most of the time) I put a piece of U-Channel aluminum over the heat strip so it heats a slightly wider strip of plastic.
I love the smell of melting plastic in the morning..........The smell, you know that plastic smell, the whole shop, smells like...Profit!
From: Zonas [#7]
12 Feb 2005
To: geebeau [#1] 12 Feb 2005
There was a previous discussion about this starting with posting # 272.1
Zona's Engraved Creations