Full Version: Laser Max & scratches
From: oneputt (NOUNOES) [#16]
22 Mar 2005
To: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#15] 22 Mar 2005
That is a difficult question to answer. Our suggested shelf life is 2 years. Now you may say there are a lot of name badges, signs etc, that are a lot older than that. That is very true but they are not being processed.
Most of our products will be servicable a lot longer than 2 years but that is my rule of thumb.
We use different materials to make our products, some are all acrylic or abs or XT. All of these materials will perform differently under different conditions. Some of them are hot stamped with a foil, some are co-extruded, some are laminated and some simply have a finish pressed on them. Different levels of color concentrate have an impact on the life expectancy.
Thus it is not possible to say how long the product will remain servicable to the engraver.
I hope this sheds some light on this. Please call me anytime you have a concern or feedback for us.
From: oneputt (NOUNOES) [#17]
22 Mar 2005
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#14] 22 Mar 2005
It is always a pleasure to chat with you. Please don't wait until you have a problem to call me. We need the feedback from professional engravers like you. Please tell Dee the Rowmark "gang" said "hi."