Folder Tools & EquipmentGeo. Knight DK20S - Watch Your Fingers

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 From:  Ken D. (KDEVORY)
1514.20 In reply to 1514.12 

You are correct, there is no chance of the FDA policing heat presses. It's a matter of good vs. poor design. Why does an item have to be medical or a child's toy to require good design? How about doing something because its the right thing to do, not because its required. The people on this forum take pride in their work, shouldn't we expect that of our suppliers?

This is not the first problem I've seen posted regarding Geo Knight equipment. They seem to have a track record of not caring about customer safety, and ignoring issues brought to their attention.

Ken Devory Jr.

 From:  Doug (JDOUG5170)
 To:  Stunt Engraver (DGL) 
1514.21 In reply to 1514.1 

David...first, not all of the model in question have the handle hitting the metal top above the digital readout...mine, as I told you earlier, does not. I will admit that if one was using the press differently than it was intended to be used, would get a finger or two pinched, mine does not have enough clearance for fingers.

One should not assume that because they have operated a number of different presses that they automatically have the experience or skill to operate all.

As for a warning sticker, does your oven come with one warning to use pot holders when removing pans from the oven, do table saw blades come with a warning that using your hand to stop them is a bad idea (and yes, I know a woodworker that routinely uses his finger on the side of the blade to do just that)??

I think this is just a contuation of the attack on Geo Knight, and your inherant need for controversy. After all, what in the world gets more posting than negative press, be it about our customers or our equipment.

Sheesh, if I whined to the forum everytime I got a injury from a piece of equipment that I used in a fashion other than it was designed for, I would never get anything done.

I did not infer that you were not taking the bruised finger like a man, but I will state that you should man up and admit that you used the press differently than it was designed to be used and that you yourself are responsible for the damage done.


Lavivrus Woodworking


 From:  Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY)
 To:  ALL
1514.22 In reply to 1514.21 

Gee wiz! Never thought I would have to post this on THIS forum.

After rereading the original post I conclude that my first impression was correct. David is just trying to prevent others from getting pinched the way he did. Notifying Knight might help prevent that from happening in the future.

I hope that the knit pickers are having fun, they sure are ruining this thread for others. There have been a very few good posts in this thread, thank goodness for those few.

My personal opinion would be to delete this thread, restart it and implant the few good posts. (David would never allow that, darn.)

Philadelphia, PA (Really Bensalem)

Harvey's Tips Page When you finally understand it completely... it changes.


 From:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES)
 To:  Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) 
1514.23 In reply to 1514.22 


It is amazing how a simple, well-intended post can get twisted around. Fortunately, we have intelligent people here who can take the original post for its face value and not read into it.

This is the kind of information that will make all press manufacturer's products better and safer. I predict that in years to come we will see a change in Knight's design, simply because of David's mishap and his willingness to take the time to share it with them. If we don't, we will see where consumer safety ranks with them.

 From:  Stunt Engraver (DGL)
 To:  Doug (JDOUG5170) 
1514.24 In reply to 1514.21 

If all machines of the same model number aren't created equal, what's that say about GK's quality control?

I think this is just a contuation of the attack on Geo Knight, and your inherant need for controversy. After all, what in the world gets more posting than negative press, be it about our customers or our equipment.

If there's an attack on the Geo. Knight company, it's of their own making. I merely pointed out a painful experience with a poorly-designed piece of equipment, in hopes that others may avoid such a scenario.

If, as you say, I have a need for controversy, where are the lists of complaints for the rest of the heat press manufacturers. I can start in on those.

Could it be there's nothing to complain about?

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA


 From:  Doug (JDOUG5170)
 To:  Stunt Engraver (DGL) 
1514.25 In reply to 1514.24 


Are you really suggesting that a machine with no less than 13 machined, metal parts with no less than 14 connectors of different types could not have been done with a minor difference in tolerances. I'm sitting looking at my press right now in the fully up condition and the handle clears the metal face by only .25"?

Are you further suggesting that there is no other manufacture out there making widgets by the 1000's that does not have a varience ship out to the public?

I have two problems with your attack on Geo Knight this time (and it's not your first, just your first time having it happen directly to you). 1st is your post before you contact the company directly. My second challange is this continued approach of; if one machine, or one model out of 1000's shipped has a problem, the company makes no good product.

I find it hard to accept that a company that has been in the business of making presses for so many years is making bad product. And I look at the dk20s and realize mine is at least 4 years old and from the pictures, it has not been noticably changed in that time...not a sign of a product they are having a problem with. I don't know of any company that can survive the years that George Knight has by putting out bad product.

Am I sympathetic to your injury, you bet I am...been there done that and it hurts. Do I believe that Geo Knight is the worst press manufacture out there because you hurt yourself not using the machine as!


Lavivrus Woodworking


 From:  Stunt Engraver (DGL)
 To:  Doug (JDOUG5170) 
1514.26 In reply to 1514.25 


Read the title of the thread. It hasn't been changed since its creation.

It's a safety warning based on my personal experience. The title doesn't say boycott Geo. Knight, attack Geo. Knight, or anything of the sort.

The fact you disagree with the sequence of my getting the message to Knight has no bearing on its importance.

Regardless of a variance in tolerance, less than .25" isn't enough clearance for a person's fingers and it's something which can be remedied.

Maybe this is the first time, in the history of the company, such an injury has occured with the DK20S. To assume it will never happen again would be short-sighted.

I've sent Knight an email along with the picture of my injured finger.

I assured Knight the purpose of my email isn't to seek compensation in any form. Another person may not be so forgiving.

It's true that Geo. Knight has been around since the 1800s. Could it also be true they've been around long enough to become complacent?

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA

EDITED: 27 Jun 2005 by DGL


 From:  Doug (JDOUG5170)
 To:  Stunt Engraver (DGL) 
1514.27 In reply to 1514.26 


You're right, you toned down your message here. I'm guilty of having read your previous messages on DSSI where you suggested in one message that you and many others have given Geo Knight the finger and in another that you would not ever have such a machine in your shop.

Again, I will repeat, if you were using the machine, by using the padded handles provided, you would not have pinched your finger...this is not a design failure, it is a user failure.


Lavivrus Woodworking


 From:  Tamara
 To:  Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) 
1514.28 In reply to 1514.22 
Come on Harvey!

Did you not read the no less than three dramatically mysterious "lead-in" posts and then finally the "big story" Dave wrote up for us on DSSI? If not, please do so before you shake your finger at people who are not prone to simply applaud and bow down unquestioningly before David's latest attempt at the betterment of the human race.

You might take note of this ending bit:
"Strike 1 - Wiring problems, Strike 2 - Personal injury, Strike 3 - I may never know. You'll never see one of those presses in my shop."

Sounds like a man who has made a cut and dried statement about a manufacturer to me! And all this presumably before he spoke with Knight, to see if maybe the press he had was somehow modified or improperly assembled.

If I were wanting to "warn" people about a potential "hazard" I might just say "Hey, I slammed the heck outta my finger on this stupid press cause I wasn't paying close attention and it's a dumb design. Be careful!" and leave it at that.

If I were wanting to continue the trend of "Knight Bashing" that some people are prone to, and at the same time enjoy piquing everyone's curiousity with vague hints of what's up my sleeve in order to puff up a minor incident into a front page story, then I'd take David's well traveled route. If that kind of thing amuses a few people, or irritates a few others, then I don' t blame them. Suggesting that their comments are not worthy of being on a forum as erudite as this is not the kind of "anti-censorship, forum for everyone, take all comers" attitude that David has always portended to have. Has there been a change?

Maybe the rabble wouldn't be skulking around in here at all if it weren't for David's penchant for posting something on DSSI, and then if it creates even a minor ripple, running back over to EE to play the polished routine on his home turf. All the while insisting that we not "double post" once he gets the thread going on his own forum, bringing the spectators along with him for the ride.

If I sound cynical, petty, or rude Harvey, it's only because after all these years I expected you of all people to maintain a fair and balanced perspective. Nothing personal, just sticking up for the lowly nit-pickers. Without them we'd all be a bunch of yes-men. Feel free to delete my post for being off topic, but I sure hope you think about my point before you do. It's kind of sad that these minor soap operas always end up this way, but that is what you get when you always insist on stirring with the biggest spoon available, even if it doesn't fit the pot.


Tamara Hoffbauer
In The Air
Carmel, IN

EDITED: 27 Jun 2005 by TAMARA


 From:  Tamara
 To:  Doug (JDOUG5170) 
1514.29 In reply to 1514.25 

You know Doug, your post got me thinking. My own Geo Knight swing-away (different model) is pretty similar in configuration on the handle. When the relay melted on it and I hade to tear the head down for repair, I recall that putting the handle assembly back in the correct position in relation to the platen up/down position was slightly tricky if you didn't pay attention. Could it be that some presses that have been repaired were not put back together exactly right, causing a slightly different clearance from the handle to the housing? Or maybe the same thing happens on the assembly line?

Huh. Dunno.

Tamara Hoffbauer
In The Air
Carmel, IN


 From:  Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY)
 To:  Tamara 
1514.30 In reply to 1514.28 
No Tamara, I did not read his posts on DSSI, I do not have the time available to read everything there. I get to read very little there unfortunately.

Therefore, I can go only on what I see here.

That makes me upset when I see what appears to be virtually personal attacks from a friendly warning to watch your fingers. By the way, OSHA would not approve a press that could do that. I have been on the receiving some of their idiotic requirements. Such as you need to put a non removable cage around the controls on a lathe that make the machine inoperable because a finger could get pinched when moving a lever. (The lathe was built for the US government, no less.)

You might take note of this ending bit:
"Strike 1 - Wiring problems, Strike 2 - Personal injury, Strike 3 - I may never know. You'll never see one of those presses in my shop."

Personal opinion, yes, that is very allowed. Wiring problems against code has been verified. Personal injury, see nasty picture. Will not buy one, personal choice.

Why does everyone else have the right to post their opinions about equipment and not David?

[This sounds stronger than intended, but I cannot see how to word it softly and still get my point made.]

Philadelphia, PA (Really Bensalem)

Harvey's Tips Page When you finally understand it completely... it changes.


 From:  Tamara
 To:  Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) 
1514.31 In reply to 1514.30 

I realize you don't have any more time to read all the posts than I do. That explains why you would have a different take. But, apparently my point was missed.

You asked "Why does everyone else have the right to post their opinions about equipment and not David?"

Allow me to answer you with a similar question: Why should David's opinions and actions be deemed above criticism, but not anyone else's?

Are you saying any contrary opinions posted here are wholly worthless? I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss, but forget it - it's really not that important. Just a passing comment. Some see a tempest in a tea pot where there is none. No one ever said we all had to agree.

Tamara Hoffbauer
In The Air
Carmel, IN


 From:  Stunt Engraver (DGL)
 To:  Tamara 
1514.32 In reply to 1514.28 


In your haste to dismiss my story as an attempt to promote drama, you may have misread some of the posts.

I never encouraged people not to "double-post." That was Brian's suggestion, in a DSSI post. As always, I'm willing to respond to any post, anywhere.

My mysterious "lead-in" posts were meant to ascertain if ample clearance was found on DK20S presses, which forum members own. I was seeking unbiased information.

I stand by my personal opinion that I will never have a DK20S in my shop. If safety improvements are made, I may reconsider. Not until.

Freedom of choice, and that's my choice.

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA

EDITED: 27 Jun 2005 by DGL


 From:  Tamara
 To:  Stunt Engraver (DGL) 
1514.33 In reply to 1514.32 

Hey Dave,
Just callin' em like I see 'em. One person's drama is another person's investigative reporting - so be it.

By golly you are right, you DIDN'T suggest we not double post, not this time. I guess I missed that what with all the comments I did catch involving giving Knight the finger, three strikes, Worker's Comp, warning labels...and all the other big serious language involved with this story.

I'm still sorry you got your finger smashed, but for the life of me I can' t imagine why you would be throwing that handle back so hard as to cause a purple and blue bruise. I never slam my press around like that, it cost too much money. Lighten up Dave!!! :-) 

Still curious to know if the head or handle were ever removed and re-attached from that press, if the handle is normally tighter which would not allow for you to slam it back with such force, or if in fact, every press of that model is identical to the one you were using. Will we be hearing anything about any of that, or is the call to arms over with?

I'm no lover of Knight products, but I do enjoy knowing the facts before jumping to conclusions. We seem to have few of those revealed so far, and I am reasonable enough to think that the design as well as the operator could have contributed to this mishap. It's not about the blame anyway, but rather a more complete explanation of the circumstances.

Freedom of choice? Oh sure Dave, never questioned that for a second. Long may she wave and all that. Let the band play.

Tamara Hoffbauer
In The Air
Carmel, IN


 From:  Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY)
 To:  Tamara 
1514.34 In reply to 1514.31 
Allow me to answer you with a similar question: Why should David's opinions and actions be deemed above criticism, but not anyone else's?

His opinions are NOT deemed above criticism at all.

My comments were about the posts that almost attacked him, not his information. That is what I meant when I said something about personal attacks.

I think we feel fairly the same on most matters, but I should have been more specific about which posts I was so unhappy seeing.

Free exchange of ideas and opinions is what this forum is about, no matter whoever disagrees with anyone. Personal attacks are the only real thing that is out of bounds.

Philadelphia, PA (Really Bensalem)

Harvey's Tips Page When you finally understand it completely... it changes.


 To:  Ken D. (KDEVORY) 
1514.35 In reply to 1514.20 

Hi Ken,

I guess I wonder why everything has to be designed to the lowest common denominator. In your ideal world, every piece of equipment would have to be up to medical standards and worthy of a child operating it without any training with no risk for injury.

The cost of making a piece of equipment like that is exceedingly high (I know this because we manufacture parts for GE Medical technologies), yet most adults can deal with the education nessesary to use equipment as it is designed to use. The heat press design is not flawed (it happens to work just fine), it was the training or education of the person using the press that was. Making every piece of equipment 100% risk free is unrealistic. The thing that makes up for that reality is that as humans we can learn to not make mistakes that put us in harms way. To make a mistake in the operation of a piece of equipment and then blame the equipment design for your error seems wrong to me.

I guess I would ask since David smashed his finger in a car door (a point he made in the first post) did he write a letter to the manufacturer of the automobile that he smashed his finger in asking them to re-design the door, or did he just move on with his life watching his fingers when he closed doors thereafter? Why would this situation be any different? In your "ideal" scenario, any possible way a person could get hurt would be considered a design flaw in need of fixing or some warning label.

Regarding the likeness of different automobiles to different pieces of equipment.....Automobiles are made to be similar in operation one to another to avoid the kind of training you would find necessary in dealing with a new piece of production equipment. When I was talking about a press operator in a prior post, I meant offset press operator. New printing equipment has to be handled differently than old. You can't just step in and assume you know how to handle it safely without knowing how it works. It is definitely not the same as getting into different car and having to be trained on it.

I am not suggesting that manufacturers stop trying to make safe equipment because theirs is "safe enough". I surely don't feel as if you should blame the manufacturer for a poor design prior to contacting them on a public forum, when a good percentage of the blame (if not all) should rest on your own shoulders.

The society we live in wants to blame everyone else for it's problems. People need to take responsibility for their actions, and or inaction instead of painting themselves as "the victim" all the time. There is a cute internet circulation addressing this and the kids of the 50-70's talking about how in spite of leaded paint, lack of seatbelt laws, etc.... and all the daily hazzards we went through as kids, we still somehow made it to adulthood intact that rings true to me.

Doug had several excellent examples of certain types of equipment that are impossible to make 100% perfectly safe. They do what they can, but there needs to be a shred of common sense used when operating such equipment. I look at the heat press in the same light. To me it was clear where the handles were just by looking at the picture. Yes a sticker would be a nice warning, but you would think that someone would use common sense and find the handles, or at least have a look at the manual if they have never used a press with a design like this before.

I have re-stated myself a few times here now. I am discouraged that Harvey sees this as an attack on David. I happen to like David but also feel he needs to know when he is wrong. I see nothing wrong with a discussion about why things are the way they are. If my statements were taken as an attack on David.....They weren't meant that way. They were meant as an observation as to why I think the injury took place.

I hope that Davids finger heals well and he can move on from this traumatic experience. As I said before, I am quite certain that he learned a painful lesson, and fully expect he wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

Brian G.


 From:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES)
1514.36 In reply to 1514.35 

To me it was clear where the handles were just by looking at the picture. Yes a sticker would be a nice warning, but you would think that someone would use common sense and find the handles, or at least have a look at the manual if they have never used a press with a design like this before.

Pictures are worth a thousand words, take a look. I do use the handles as you recommended and have personally thumped and pinched my thumbs more than once in that process. The design is inherently bad in my opinion, but I live with it because it has only produced temporary pain and nothing too serious.

No where in the manual does it say that you should only use the outer part of the handle. The natural thing is to grab the inner part where the leverage is best.

EDITED: 7 Jun 2010 by DATAKES

 From:  Stunt Engraver (DGL)
 To:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) 
1514.37 In reply to 1514.36 

I'd have to take another look at the machine I was using, but I think the latest incarnation of the DK20S is being made with a slightly rounder design, where your pics show square edges in the housing.

Not only more pleasing to the eye, but I'd call that an improvement toward safety.

I'm looking forward to a response from the Geo. Knight Co. They have my account of the incident and the picture of my finger.

To see a safer machine emerge from my experience, would be ample compensation.

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA


 From:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES)
 To:  Stunt Engraver (DGL) 
1514.38 In reply to 1514.37 


When producing any product, one cannot imagine all uses, hazards, etc. All we can expect is for manufacturers to respond in a positive way to situations like this that do arise. They simply need to address the situation in future designs, and if warranted, address dangerous flaws in current designs with acceptable remedies.

I appreciate you sharing your experience. It will certainly inspire me to keep my hands on the handles, the outside portion, that is.

EDITED: 28 Jun 2005 by DATAKES

 To:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) 
1514.39 In reply to 1514.36 

Hi Dave,

I see your point, but I have to agree to dissagree. I feel that the foam handgrips should be sufficient evidence of where you should acuate the equipment. I also see where the foam contacts the box, but most people would notice the box interferance and place their hands on the outboard positions on the foam handle. I am not here to dispute the fact that you nick your hands ocasionally when working.....Ever do work on a car and knock your knuckles? It's simply part of working with your hands. I can see no major safety issues with this handle the way it's designed.

I still want to know if any of the big three got a letter asking for a re-design from David after he smashed his finger in the car door. Or how about all the hammer manufactures in the world. :) 


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