Folder Tools & EquipmentGeo. Knight DK20S - Watch Your Fingers

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 To:  Stunt Engraver (DGL) 
1514.60 In reply to 1514.59 

Hi David,

I honestly didn't feel that this subject needed to be breached again......but after reading the whole thread over again....I still feel as if the real responsibility lies with you. I know you feel different and felt that change should be propagated by your experience.....More power to you.

I still think you have to look at it like the crushed finger in the car door.....Yes someone "could" sue over it.....but just cause you "can" doesn't make it the right thing to do. Did you ever write a letter to the automobile company that you hurt your finger with? If not, why not? There is no difference in the situations. Both times an accident occurred because the operation of a product was outside the norm. Yet the hazard still existed....and will continue to exist...Car doors can and will still crush fingers.

After all this opinion about this subject hasn't been swayed....I still feel like your current line of thinking is basically dumbing down products and people to the lowest common denominator, instead of having people be responsible for the way they use their equipment.

You could just as easily blame the vendor for a burn, cut, or any abrasion that would/could be obtained with their equipment.

Just as any mechanic can get bloodied knuckles when they work on a car, working with your hands has it's own set of hazardous....Most of which are in your own control. If you've ever cut yourself with a knife or razor....(and most people have)...You wouldn't write the vendor would you? You would say ouch....get a bandaid, and move on with life all the wiser no?

Before you or anyone else comments on this post....Please re-read this whole thread. I don't feel that it's necessary to re-live the situation every 6 months....Nor is it worth while re-arguing something that we just don't see eye to eye on.....but with all of the posts that you have lodged against this piece of equipment....There really should be a balanced view from the other side. Hopefully this is sufficient. I have no interest in arguing with you about it. We clearly have different views, but I think the forum membership needs to see both sides....Otherwise People just see your repetitive message, and never get to see the messages that counter your opinion.


Brian Genrich

Rallye Productions Inc.
1-800-236-2036 x112
Custom cut, or sheet stock Sublimatable metal,
Screen printing, and other digital print services.


 From:  Stunt Engraver (DGL)
1514.61 In reply to 1514.60 
I still think you have to look at it like the crushed finger in the car door.....Yes someone "could" sue over it.....but just cause you "can" doesn't make it the right thing to do.


If there were only one model of an automobile with the capability to crush a person's fingers, shouldn't that model be pointed out?

It's not something that would be pointed out by the manufacturer, or those involved in selling the automobile.

If it's a known design flaw, people deserve to be informed.

Even though common sense dictates that a person should keep their fingers away from a 400 deree heat platen, why do some heat press manufacturers place a label on their equipment stating so?

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA

EDITED: 12 Mar 2006 by DGL


 To:  Stunt Engraver (DGL) 
1514.62 In reply to 1514.61 
Hi David,

Any press can pinch a finger depending on where you put it when in use....The car door argument is essentially the same. It is a common pinch point that we all seem to overcome. Still one can argue that it is still possible to pinch a finger when closing a car door.....What it comes down to is people educate themselves on how not to pinch their fingers in a car door. They do not require the manufacturer to change the design.

Any equipment with any moving parts has an inherent pinch risk. I suggest that any press is capable of pinching if fingers aren't used in the appropriate positions. Anyone that works on a car is familiar with these risks as even using a wrench can risk pinching a finger, or skinning a knuckle. I really see using a press in the way it is intended, as less risky than changing your own oil (if anyone even does that anymore).

Your misuse and bad experience from this misuse should not reflect on the press in my opinion. You stated in the first post that you
heaved the lever to its full-open position.
Not exactly an action of grace or care. you also describe that you held the handle at the center, when the handle was clearly designed to be held at the foam pads on the ends. I just can't understand why you wish to blame the press for your lack of grace. This is not shooting the's requiring the messanger to be honest with himself about who is responsible for his injury.

The bottom line is this....if you had used the press as it is designed, you wouldn't have been injured.


Brian Genrich

Rallye Productions Inc.
1-800-236-2036 x112
Custom cut, or sheet stock Sublimatable metal,
Screen printing, and other digital print services.


 From:  UncleSteve
1514.63 In reply to 1514.60 

While I agree the whole thing doesn't have to be rehashed, what I am taking from this is that the company's attitude is same old, same old.

IF they said they were going to address the design, whether good, bad or ugly, and they haven't even put a warning label rather than change the unit, it is the same as the wiring harness situation.

"It never happened and if it did happen it wasn't our fault and if it was our fault we didn't know about it and if we did know it wasn't serious enough to correct and nobody ever complained in the past. YOU ARE THE FIRST TO TELL US!"

"Genius ain't anything more than elegant common sense." Josh Billings

 From:  Stunt Engraver (DGL)
1514.64 In reply to 1514.62 
Your misuse and bad experience from this misuse should not reflect on the press in my opinion. You stated in the first post that you


If there is such a thing as misuse of a piece of equipment, shouldn't such misuse be divulged in the operator's manual, or at bare minimum, by a very inexpensive label at the top of the DK20S housing?

Why is it that Knight continues to deceive the buying public, in their literature, with pictures of the DK20S, shown (supposedly, in a full-open postion) with the handle of the press in a horizontal position, with ample finger clearance, when, in fact, the handles of many of these presses come in direct contact with the upper part of the housing?

Or worse yet, with people's fingers providing the only space between the two components?

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA

EDITED: 12 Mar 2006 by DGL


 From:  Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY)
1514.65 In reply to 1514.62 
Brian, first I am not trying to be contentious, I just differ slightly on one point.

I really see using a press in the way it is intended, as less risky than changing your own oil

Normally the best mechanical idea is to grab a horizontal bar that has two attachments, (or even a center one), is in the center so as not to put extra stress on the joints of the power transmission system.

If that is not so in this case, and they know about it, they should at least put red tape around the danger rod, or a spiral of yellow. Common sense, make a danger obvious. I had to put signs saying HOT around the platen of a press in the mall, or would not be allowed to have it there. Common sense is not so common. Reaction time when faced with an overcooked product would be helped with something that says 'do not grab here' by virtue of its color.

Philadelphia, PA (Really Bensalem)

Harvey's Tips Page When you finally understand it completely... it changes.


 To:  Stunt Engraver (DGL) 
1514.66 In reply to 1514.64 


You've missed the point. If your fingers are on the handles where they belong..... The handle to unit body clearence could be zero and you wouldn't/couldn't get pinched.

There is nothing wrong with the machine, and no reason to warn anybody of anything other than the obvious logic of closing it with your hands placed on the handles.

You weren't familiar with the machine, you "heaved" the handle down with your hand in the center when it should have been on the handles on the sides, and pinched your finger.

Now it's their fault why? Because they didn't protect you from yourself?

It's human nature to want to blame someone or something when things go wrong....I am not surprised that you reacted with anger, and effort to change what happened to you....Ultimately most people have better clarity when the anger subsides and they realize where the blame really lies. I just think in this case, when looking at all of the facts, that that blame is misplaced.

I wouldn't have as much issue with you stating that you had an accident with a piece of equipment and that you felt that it was something people might want to watch out for....Instead you went on attack......based on what you felt were multiple issues...this being the latest and greatest.

I'm sorry that you got hurt. I really am. I just assumed that cooler heads would see the situation more clearly as time went on. I feel that I am in the minority it seems as if people want blood with this company. I actually think you should have more of a beef with the electical issues these presses have been said to have....If those claims are true, that is clearly a real safety hazzard. To me, your personal hand injury is from operator error. My opinion won't be changed based on the facts.


Brian Genrich

Rallye Productions Inc.
1-800-236-2036 x112
Custom cut, or sheet stock Sublimatable metal,
Screen printing, and other digital print services.


 To:  Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) 
1514.67 In reply to 1514.65 

Honestly Harvey I have to agree with you here......I don't have a problem with suggesting a sticker or something simple to avoid the mistake that David had....My biggest issue is with the blame going soley on the company. Sure the design could be better....Labels would be handy (no pun intended). But the machine is not hazzardous as it stands if someone uses natural common sense.

I think that it is true that something can be said that common sense is not so common...and perhaps my frusteration is that the demise of common sense seems to be so real today....I guess I am unwilling to accept that fact, and in accepting David's argument would be agreeing with the fact that we should accept and even condone the demise of common sense. :) 


Brian Genrich

Rallye Productions Inc.
1-800-236-2036 x112
Custom cut, or sheet stock Sublimatable metal,
Screen printing, and other digital print services.


 From:  Stunt Engraver (DGL)
1514.68 In reply to 1514.66 


I'm happy to see that, as long as I'm not the person recommending a warning label, or some means of telling people, (since there's no other mention) that having their fingers in the unmarked danger zone of a DK20S, is something you can agree with.

I can't understand why you continue to presume my emotions. No embarrassment; no anger; just shock that an inherent design flaw, continues to go unmarked and unremedied.

Since you're a fan of the totally-unrelated "car door" anaology, why not answer the questions that you may have missed, the first time I posed them?

"If there were only one model of an automobile with the capability to crush a person's fingers, shouldn't that model be pointed out?"

"Even though common sense dictates that a person should keep their fingers away from a 400 deree heat platen, why do some heat press manufacturers place a label on their equipment stating so?"

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA

EDITED: 12 Mar 2006 by DGL


 To:  UncleSteve 
1514.69 In reply to 1514.63 

Hi Steve,

I am not trying to fight more than one battle with this thread. I am only taking the issue at hand on it's merit, not trying to say the company is acting in any particular way in sweeping terms.

I agree that in the past they have had electrical issues that seem to have gone un-resolved.....I can't back that statement up personaly because I have never even used a knight press let alone owned one, but there have been several factual instances of these types of problems...Frankly I feel that these problems are much more severe than what David is accusing them of with this situation. That type correction (if truely needed) is something that I could embrace.

All I care is that they don't get a bum rap for someone not using the equipment properly. It's clear that he used it the wrong way, he just doesn't want to take responsibility for his actions. He would rather blame the people that make the press. Yes a warning label would be a smart addition if people are consistantly pulling the handle down by the middle.....but again, it seems like common sense to me when the handle has foam handles on both sides....I guess I am just a throwback that believes you need to take responsibility for your own actions......I tend to be old fashioned in alot of ways....This must just be another of them. :) 


Brian Genrich

Rallye Productions Inc.
1-800-236-2036 x112
Custom cut, or sheet stock Sublimatable metal,
Screen printing, and other digital print services.


 From:  UncleSteve
1514.70 In reply to 1514.69 
I don't have a dog in this fight.... just observed that a "fix" (even if it isn't broken) has not been implemented and IF the company said they would "fix" it, they are following the same old, same old.

Nothing more or less.
"Genius ain't anything more than elegant common sense." Josh Billings

 To:  UncleSteve 
1514.71 In reply to 1514.70 
My contention is that a "fix" shouldn't be "required" for this situation. But I do understand why you feel the way you do.


Brian Genrich

Rallye Productions Inc.
1-800-236-2036 x112
Custom cut, or sheet stock Sublimatable metal,
Screen printing, and other digital print services.

EDITED: 12 Mar 2006 by RALLYGUY1


 To:  Stunt Engraver (DGL) 
1514.72 In reply to 1514.68 

Hi David,

believe that I said a label would be a nice idea....Not that it should be a requirement. I said that way back in this thread...It's not a new concept for me, nor does it matter that the delivery was from Harvey, had it been from you I would have felt the same way.

Regarding the car door analogy....In order for you to truely parallel the car door argument, the door would have to be designed to work with a handle that wasn't used, therefore causing the crushing of someone's fingers....Fault of the manufacturer or user? If you place your hands in a place that they aren't supposed to be with any mechanical equipment, no matter how good the design...... They can get hurt.

I honestly think that it's just hard for you to admit that you made a mistake at this point.

That's what this really comes down to. If you admit that you made a mistake, you have no grounds for a blame the manufacture of the equipment for a faulty design. The design is fine. It's use was improper. You just can't admit it.

I think we are beginning to repeat ourselves again. A waste of our time, as well as the other forum members. Time to give it a break I guess...( Don't all thank me now ).

There's nothing wrong with a little healthy debate....I just think this one is out of gas. No new info, no new opinions....Same ole same ole..... ;) 


Brian Genrich

Rallye Productions Inc.
1-800-236-2036 x112
Custom cut, or sheet stock Sublimatable metal,
Screen printing, and other digital print services.


 From:  Stunt Engraver (DGL)
1514.73 In reply to 1514.72 
I honestly think that it's just hard for you to admit that you made a mistake at this point.


Not at all.

I admit, I succumbed to the Geo. Knight advertising and made the mistake of believing that the pictures in the Geo. Knight ads, (of the DK20S), showing the handle in a horizontal position, of which, if the actual piece of equipment's handle came to rest in that position, would have presented zero chance of injury, no matter where a person's hands were placed on the handle area.

Q: Of the DK20S heat presses I've seen in person, how many handles stop in the position, as shown in their ads?

A: None.

Q: Of the DK20S heat presses I've seen in person, how many handles stop in a position, that leave enough clearance, between the handle and housing for a person's fingers not to be pinched?

A: Most of the machines I've seen in person, have the handle in direct contact with the top of the housing; except for one and that was at the NBM Show in Long Beach, CA, in the Geo. Knight booth, shortly after I brought my complaint to Aaron Knight himself, in an email.

That day, I was at a booth across the aisle from Geo. Knight and saw Aaron in his booth. When I made my way to the Geo. Knight booth, to discuss my situation, nobody was there.

Isn't the fact that people who use the press in the "proper" fashion, and still have their fingers nipped, enough to warrant a safety label?

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA


 To:  Stunt Engraver (DGL) 
1514.74 In reply to 1514.73 

It's a shame that you should have such a hard time admitting that you put your hands where they weren't supposed to be. I mean it's really nothing more than that. Pictures of clearance or not...The handles of the machine are not where you actuated the press. Had you used the handles, we wouldn't be wasting our time here.

Your thought process is exacly why this country finds itself mired in litigation.

"Protect the people from themselves, they can't possibly be smart enough to do it on thier own!"


Brian Genrich

Rallye Productions Inc.
1-800-236-2036 x112
Custom cut, or sheet stock Sublimatable metal,
Screen printing, and other digital print services.


 From:  Stunt Engraver (DGL)
1514.75 In reply to 1514.74 

This question wasn't hidden from view:

"Isn't the fact that people who use the press in the "proper" fashion, and still have their fingers nipped, enough to warrant a safety label?"

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA


 To:  Stunt Engraver (DGL) 
1514.76 In reply to 1514.75 
I guess I don't know that those people used the press in the proper fashion. We are just talking about the way you used the press....not other people. You are speaking on their behalf at this point, when I feel that it's best to stick with the fact's of your own situation....I have no way of knowing the specifics of what happened to them without their input in this thread. Remember we need to stick to factual information when breaching subjects such as this....

I can see very clearly that if you have your hands on the handles that you won't smash your fingers. Even with zero clearance...your hands are on a foam covered bar. Effectively buffering your fingers from damage of being crushed due to metal to metal contact. Yes even if it were possible that your finger might contact metal on one side, the foam covered bar would close on it....The foam would protect a finger from being crushed as it was in your instance. The only way to get a finger crushed would be to mistakenly have your hand on the metal bar between the handles as you did.

I guess we could require foam covered equpment from everyone for everybodys safety....Better yet!!!!! How about wearing a full coverage foam body condom similar to a ultra thick foam wet suit? Totaly safe in all cases....outside of heat exaustion problems...... :) 

Sorry....just trying to lighten the mood up...

I have nothing new to add here. If you don't, how about we just stop....


Brian Genrich

Rallye Productions Inc.
1-800-236-2036 x112
Custom cut, or sheet stock Sublimatable metal,
Screen printing, and other digital print services.


 From:  Stunt Engraver (DGL)
1514.77 In reply to 1514.76 

We found a point of agreement. Sticking to the facts is crucial, which is why this fact didn't escape my attention:

I have never even used a knight press let alone owned one

You're speaking in general terms, while I and the people I've spoken to, whose unsolicted comments, claim their fingers were nipped, while their hands were on the foam grips, are dealing with first-hand (so to speak) experience.

I'm going to send another e-mail to Aaron Knight. I'll let you know of his response.

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA


 From:  UncleSteve
1514.78 In reply to 1514.76 

It seems obvious that David got his left hand caught in the poor wiring while closing the press with his right hand....

The horse is dead. It has been shipped off to Hormel to make dog food and the remains to Elmers to make glue.

Perhaps it IS time to bury the ears and let it go away....

Who is going to engrave the plaque to put on the horse's grave and what material will be used for the outdoor exposure? :S 

"Genius ain't anything more than elegant common sense." Josh Billings

 To:  Stunt Engraver (DGL) 
1514.79 In reply to 1514.77 
Your right David,

....I couldn't possibly use logic to form an opinion on what happened to you based on all of your former statements.......I'm the one with the faulty logic.

You crushed your finger by putting it in a place that it shouldn't have been and it's all Knights fault.

Sorry to have bothered everybody with my counterpoints.......


Brian Genrich

Rallye Productions Inc.
1-800-236-2036 x112
Custom cut, or sheet stock Sublimatable metal,
Screen printing, and other digital print services.


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