Folder Forum Notices/Suggestions/QuestChat room

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 From:  LaZerDude (C_BURKE)
 To:  UncleSteve 
2005.23 In reply to 2005.22 
Yes, or a seperate registration is necessary to chat.......


 From:  UncleSteve
 To:  LaZerDude (C_BURKE) 
2005.24 In reply to 2005.23 
Looks like progress.... Just wanted to make sure we weren't talking about something like the typical AOL chat room where it is open season for anyone that can find it.....

"Genius ain't anything more than elegant common sense." Josh Billings

 From:  Barbara (RGILE)
 To:  UncleSteve 
2005.25 In reply to 2005.24 

I am game for a chat room. I just posted a question that I would prefer an immediate response to. So it would be very helpful when you need an immediate answer as to what you should do with a problem.

I also have a skype name. it is bnails52

RGile Engravers

Barbara Sample
RGile Engravers


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