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 From:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES)
 To:  sprinter 
3725.74 In reply to 3725.69 


The free site will be a great alternative for the EE family to stay together in some form. I would hate to see all of the relationships that have been developed here to completely unravel simply because of a change in the direction of Engraving Etc.

When the time comes, we are anticipating a substantial fallout. When the dust settles, we hope to build interest over time with the new business model and a foundation of professionals who recognize this as an opportunity to invest in better business tools of which the forum exchange will only be a part of.

I hope you will not be opposed to David introducing the new features of the website as it grows. It will take time to see value in what it is we are doing, but until then, I am glad everyome will have a place to call home.

 From:  sprinter
 To:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) 
3725.75 In reply to 3725.74 

Let's all just get along together B-) 

Actually it would be a great idea for David or any of you mods to post on the new site. It's not about competing, it's about giving the members a choice. Some will stay, some will go, I just wanted a place for the ones going to continue what was started here.


 From:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES)
 To:  ALL
3725.76 In reply to 3725.73 

I've always considered Google contextual advertisements to add a bit of cheesiness and cheapness to a website. When I see these adds on a website, it reminds me of how cheesy I think it is when a golf course owner allows advertising on their scorecards. This option really doesn't fit our plans.

The clipart feature, which some people are discounting, will become a great feature of the site. There will be nowhere else on the internet with a searchable database of graphics for mechanical engraving machines, in addition to all of the vector art.

I do agree that we do need to stay away from corporate logos, especially with sites like available. Why tie up the server space for these?

 From:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES)
 To:  sprinter 
3725.77 In reply to 3725.75 


I only have so much time to go around, but will register and pop in when I have time. I have been struggling over the past couple weeks to stay on top of all the posts here. I guess that's a good thing, but I always find a moment to get my daily fix.

EDITED: 6 May 2006 by DATAKES

 From:  spudislander (WILLM)
 To:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) 
3725.78 In reply to 3725.74 
Hello David,

Talk about putting the cart ahead of the horse >.< 

What's with the secrecy??

let's see these proposed advancements first

What better business tools??

Are we supposed to ante up on faith?? I don' t think so.

Maybe those other business models should be pursued independently from the forum.

C'mon 1266 registered members - SELL that.

I am not unique in my feelings or business sense. Have I learned enough over the past years to justify a membership - definitely. Will I continue to learn enough to justify a paid membership to an organization that will be crippled by an exodus of valuable resources (people), that I will not be able to obtain freely elswhere - Highly doubtful.

You guys, especially stuntman are doing a very poor job in selling or justifying me or anybody else in spending money here.

If this isn't addressed soon, I suspect the future expectations here to be greatly over estimated.


 From:  UncleSteve
 To:  sprinter 
3725.79 In reply to 3725.75 
While I understand the need for free information and your desire to help promulgate it, I really do think it is in very poor taste for you to continue to promote your brand new forum and solicit members in the very place you are refusing to support.

David, David and Harvey are much more politically correct than I am... They won't tell you that it is just plain wrong to try to take away the members here. No matter how you try to sugar coat it, that is just what you are trying to do. Get an instant membership.

Do you also go into other religious institutions to solicit new congregants for YOUR place of worship?

You have made your point and advertisement in numerous messages. How about giving it a rest for now?

"You can build your business by getting more orders from your present customers or work on taking your competitors customers. Just don't do it in your competitors store!"

"Genius ain't anything more than elegant common sense." Josh Billings

 From:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES)
 To:  spudislander (WILLM) 
3725.80 In reply to 3725.78 

I will quote an earlier comment I made.

When the dust settles, we hope to build interest over time with the new business model and a foundation of professionals who recognize this as an opportunity to invest in better business tools of which the forum exchange will only be a part of.

We plan to make all of our introductions with the unveiling of the website. Like with any business model, we will adapt to the market response and grow from there.

They didn't build Rome in a day, but once it was finished it was a pretty nice place to be. We hope this is what happens with the EE website, forum and educational events. It will be a great place for award and engraving industry professionals to visit and also use as a resource.

EDITED: 6 May 2006 by DATAKES

 From:  Rodney Gold (RODNEY_GOLD)
 To:  spudislander (WILLM) 
3725.81 In reply to 3725.78 
Will , Whats the point , David has revealed his real reason for all this , and thats to make a profit out this site as it's owner. The whole altrusitic crusader/free info exchange/people helping people facade has crumbled and the hypocrisy of it all is now evident.

 From:  UncleSteve
 To:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) 
3725.82 In reply to 3725.80 
Hey, Nero! Just don't take your fiddle out of the box! :S 

"Genius ain't anything more than elegant common sense." Josh Billings

 From:  UncleSteve
 To:  Rodney Gold (RODNEY_GOLD) 
3725.83 In reply to 3725.81 

David has said this forum would be going subscription from its first day.

I think "revealed" might be a bit strong since it was never a hidden agenda...

"Genius ain't anything more than elegant common sense." Josh Billings

 From:  Stunt Engraver (DGL)
 To:  sprinter 
3725.84 In reply to 3725.66 

Thank you. I've listened to the various comments and agree that a free forum is in order. I'll post a message in the Industry News folder.

It's my daughter's Sweet 16 Birthday, so I won't be back to the forum until later this evening.

David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA


 From:  Barbara (RGILE)
 To:  UncleSteve 
3725.85 In reply to 3725.79 

Wow! I am exhausted just reading all of these posts. Some of you may know me, and some might not, but I have been on this forum as a new small business for a year now, if not longer. I have not paid a cent for any of the advice that I have received, and have been helped many times out of difficult places that I have been in.

Most of us can possibly agree that to run something like this takes time and money, and I can bet that most of us would not be volunteering to do it.
So many organizations have workers, and critics (doing nothing).

If some of you do not want to join, simply don't do it. David is only asking that you do. He is trying to introduce something to all of us that he believes in, and asking for money in return. If you have a problem with it, then by all means go somewhere else.
None of us like to part with hard earned money, but if it is in the best interest of our business then it is money well spent. I do agree that most of us have given and taken advice for nothing, and it was very much appreciated, but that said, where do you get anything for nothing today.

All he is asking is that you give it a try. Even for a month, to see if it is something that you would want to go further with. Most Newbies are hungry for information and are thinking of taking their businesses to a higher level. If they see this as a helpful tool to make that happen, then I personally think they would do it. If it wasn't what they expected, then they can cancel it.

Give these Moderators some credit. They aren't going to put everything out there to everyone right now, especially with someone already putting up another forum. (I am also a member of sawmill creek), and will probably be joining this new one also. I want to get the most out of all of the forums out there. (To help my business out) Not to hurt anyone.

If I choose to pay for one, then I will. If I do not like it, I can quit. That is what has been proposed and that is what is going to take place. Some will like it, some will not. That's life.

I am going to join. I will say, that if it gets clicky or uninformative, then I will not continue, but so far, I love it and plan to stay with it.

Barbara :D 

Barbara Sample
RGile Engravers


 From:  UncleSteve
 To:  Barbara (RGILE) 
3725.86 In reply to 3725.85 

Where were you 84 messages ago? ;-) 

You are right on target!
"Genius ain't anything more than elegant common sense." Josh Billings

 From:  UCONN Dave &amp; Lynn too (DANDL48)
 To:  UncleSteve 
3725.87 In reply to 3725.86 
Where do I send my money? No steve, made a mistake, didn't mean to post to you! . I don't want to send you the money, but David :-$ 
Born at night, just not last night.

EDITED: 6 May 2006 by DANDL48


 From:  Rodney Gold (RODNEY_GOLD)
 To:  Barbara (RGILE) 
3725.88 In reply to 3725.85 

Barbara , tis contibutors to the forum that give the info , not the forum itself
Essentially you are telling us the forum is of value to info leechers , but what value is it to info givers?


 From:  EncompassTech
 To:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) 
3725.89 In reply to 3725.52 

I think you misunderstood my post. I was talking only about lurkers not everyday helpers.


 From:  gt350ed
 To:  ALL
3725.90 In reply to 3725.89 
I don't have time to offer my detailed thoughts right now, but I wanted everyone to know that I'm here and I've read ALL the posts so far.

My quick and dirty is as follows:

I would like to think that I might know David L. a slight bit more than most here in that we are geographically close and see each other somewhat more frequently. Having said this, my opinion of David L. is that he is an artist and a visionary....he is NOT a businessman. One small telltale of this is evidenced by how this has been handled over the past 72 hours, or so. And I mean this with a great amount of admiration and respect. I consider David a friend.

A HUGE amount of great suggestions and perspectives have been offered as part of this thread. I truly hope David, et al, will take a step back, re-read the posts and consider an ALTERNATIVE plan. Personally, I'd opt for a forum that is free, with value-added components that are subscription access only. This is consistent with what others, with experience in this area, have suggested.

In the meantime, I have registered with "EngravingEtc-Free". This does NOT mean that I won't be a subscriber here. But at the moment, I'm not sure what I'd be subscribing to.

To quote our Governator, "I'll be back"....with further comment no doubt.

Ed Holley
Victor Valley Trophy Co.
and Coffee Mugs Online


 From:  Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY)
 To:  gt350ed 
3725.91 In reply to 3725.90 

Some of the suggestions have been in the works for months. They took some time away from the improvements.

Nothing has been said about what will remain free. A lot of that depends on what can be done programing wise. (That also is a bit still in limbo until we know the programing problems. But there will be at least some free.) Tune in after the subscription forum starts and you will see what we could come up with.

One of the reasons we have not announced what additional things will be, is most are still in the works, and until they are ready to go online they are vaporware. We will not announce vaporware.

The logos were announced because at least the preliminary setup is done. When we get a chance that will be prettied up and made a bit easier to use. That may be down the road a bit because we want to put the time into more meat first, then we can go with fluff.

I understand that something that has been available for free that now costs money can feel like you are being ripped off, but it is not so.

Philadelphia, PA (Really Bensalem)

Harvey's Tips Page When you finally understand it completely... it changes.


 From:  Franklin (FW_HAYNES)
 To:  Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) 
3725.92 In reply to 3725.9 
Now with these logos, will there be a contact to help us gain licensing to use the logos?

Sometimes the angels fly close enough to you that you can hear
the flutter of their wings...


 From:  Franklin (FW_HAYNES)
 To:  ALL
3725.93 In reply to 3725.28 
Its through Roy Brewer that I "happened" across this forum one day out of boredom. I am still in the beginning stages of getting my business off the ground. All of my supplier connections have come from this site, I have gotten sound business advice from this site pertaining to the engraving business that I haven't found anywhere else, and I have gotten a bunch of kick butt ideas by seeing the stuff that others are putting out. This forum has been a God send to me and I know that I am not the only one in here with this belief. Could it be that some of the ones contributing that think their contributions are what makes or breaks this forum may be chewing on sour grapes knowing that none of the forum revenue is going in their pockets? (devil) That last comment was tongue in cheek; I do not wish to personally attack anyone for their personal feelings on this matter, but I know that this forum has been a value to me and as I grow as an engraver, I have no problem helping out newbies as they join. Keep us up to date on the ins and out and as soon as you need me to scrounge past the lint in my pocket and add up my quarters to join, let me know.

Sometimes the angels fly close enough to you that you can hear
the flutter of their wings...


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