Folder PhotographyCanon EOS 5D/DSLR Discussion

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 From:  Mike (BIGPIXEL)
 To:  Dave Jones (DAVERJ) 
3798.58 In reply to 3798.57 

Agreed Dave, and the reason we should hammer it out here.

Its really not rocket science but there is a lot to making a properly exposed image that we can discuss. As to having an inate eye for composition and knowing when to trip the shutter, well.....that's inate. ;-) 


 From:  Dave Jones (DAVERJ)
 To:  Mike (BIGPIXEL) 
3798.59 In reply to 3798.58 
Yeah, there's nothing like having that "eye", but there is a lot that can be learned about composition and lighting that are fairly simple. A couple of classic styles of each (and breaking a couple of common bad habits) can make a big difference in the average product shot.

 From:  Mike (BIGPIXEL)
 To:  Dave Jones (DAVERJ) 
3798.60 In reply to 3798.59 

I really look forward to your contributions here Dave.



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