Folder Corel DrawAdobe Illustrator/CorelDraw file compatibility

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 From:  Carl (CSEWELL)
 To:  Dave Jones (DAVERJ) 
4694.11 In reply to 4694.10 
Exellent. Thanks!


  Guntersville Laser Engraving
  Guntersville, AL

 From:  bruce (BBSD)
 To:  Carl (CSEWELL) 
4694.12 In reply to 4694.6 

in corel, I can't control nor do I know which level is saved as or exported as EPS but you can choose postscript level.

My export to EPS from CDR12 defaults to postscript level 1.

Corel 9 will import as PS Prn EPS OK.

Just more info.

p.s. Yes the last reply should have been directed ti you.


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