Folder Corel DrawAdobe Illustrator/CorelDraw file compatibility

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 From:  Dave Jones (DAVERJ)
 To:  Carl (CSEWELL) 
4694.8 In reply to 4694.6 
Usually when AI gives that warning it is because whatever changes he made use features that the older version didn't have. His edits used features that the AI 7 file format can't save. When he received that error he should have been given the option to save in a newer format. Chances are that newer format will work fine in your CD 12.

 From:  Carl (CSEWELL)
 To:  Dave Jones (DAVERJ) 
4694.9 In reply to 4694.8 
Okay, thanks. That seems backwards to me. AI saves in the same format that the file was opened as? Is that a Mac thing?


  Guntersville Laser Engraving
  Guntersville, AL

 From:  Dave Jones (DAVERJ)
 To:  Carl (CSEWELL) 
4694.10 In reply to 4694.9 

No, that's true with the PC version too. It assumes that if you open and edit an older version you might need to give the edited copy back to somebody with that old program.

But if you make changes using new features and it can't save them in the old format it will say so, and should give you the option to save in a newer format.

With SaveAs you are making a new file, so it defaults to saving it in the latest version.

EDITED: 29 Aug 2006 by DAVERJ


 From:  Carl (CSEWELL)
 To:  Dave Jones (DAVERJ) 
4694.11 In reply to 4694.10 
Exellent. Thanks!


  Guntersville Laser Engraving
  Guntersville, AL

 From:  bruce (BBSD)
 To:  Carl (CSEWELL) 
4694.12 In reply to 4694.6 

in corel, I can't control nor do I know which level is saved as or exported as EPS but you can choose postscript level.

My export to EPS from CDR12 defaults to postscript level 1.

Corel 9 will import as PS Prn EPS OK.

Just more info.

p.s. Yes the last reply should have been directed ti you.


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