Folder Corel DrawMulti-colored lines?

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 From:  Carl (CSEWELL)
 To:  Cody (BOBTNAILER) 
4809.2 In reply to 4809.1 
You might get more responses if you save to a lower version than X3.


  Guntersville Laser Engraving
  Guntersville, AL

 From:  logojohn
 To:  Cody (BOBTNAILER) 
4809.3 In reply to 4809.1 
The texas was a font I didnt have installed.

But you convert to curves and ungroup the objects.

Select 2 and use the "Front minus back" Back minus front
or similar features on the Property Bar: Multiple Objects.
They are the symbols to the right.

Keep a copy of the objects you work with on another layer or page. You may need to add it back if you want that area filled or to do more with it.

You might have to do several steps to get what you need.


 From:  Cody (BOBTNAILER)
 To:  ALL

Sorry...didn't think about the differences in versions.

I did find a way to do the job using the Virtual Segment tool.

The VS tool simply removes a segment of a line or curve between intersections with another line or curve. It's a fantastic tool!

I made a copy of the circle & state, and put a red outline on them (leaving the original image with a black outline). Once I had deleted the appropriate segments in each image, I superimposed the appearance of an uninterrupted line turning from black to red.

This may not be the best way, but it got my project done this afternoon.


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