Folder Corel DrawWeb ready logo in Corel

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 From:  Becky (KIAIJANE)
 To:  LaZerDude (C_BURKE) 
5492.14 In reply to 5492.13 
Well it wasn't exactly splitting the atom or anything. LOL I isolated my logo from it's white background in bitmap form so my husband can use my logo on my website. Right now my website is just plain white because of that white box but I would like to have it be color

 From:  Becky (KIAIJANE)
 To:  LaZerDude (C_BURKE) 
5492.15 In reply to 5492.11 

Chuck I would hire you in an instant!!
Pa would be a total culture shock to your Hawaiian ways...LOL


 From:  LaZerDude (C_BURKE)
 To:  Becky (KIAIJANE) 
5492.16 In reply to 5492.15 
I was born in Pittsburgh. You are right. Perhaps I need to hire YOU ;-)

 From:  Becky (KIAIJANE)
 To:  LaZerDude (C_BURKE) 
5492.17 In reply to 5492.16 
If it means relocating to Hawaii..well, it'll be a sacrifice for sure but somehow i think I could adjust LOL

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