Folder Topic of Your ChoiceAre You Ready for Some Football?

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 From:  Tom (TJGEENEN)
 To:  jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) 
6613.7 In reply to 6613.1 

Jeanette, as a proud shareholder, my Packer are going all the way this year, but we always seem to loose to Dallas. The season may be 4 months away but just talking football feels good.

Go Pack Go !!!

Tom Geenen
Gulf Coast Laser Graphics


 From:  Dee (DEENA-ONLY)
 To:  jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) 
6613.8 In reply to 6613.3 

You may mean it but are the 'Boys listening is the question.

Anyway, it doesn't matter because this is the Year of the Giants!


Philadelphia, PA (Really Bensalem)

 From:  Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY)
 To:  Dee (DEENA-ONLY) 
6613.9 In reply to 6613.8 

Sounds more like you are talking about basketball. Those guys are the only giants that will win this year.

I did not mean that, please can I have supper anyway???? Pretty please. :P

Philadelphia, PA (Really Bensalem)

When you finally understand it completely... it changes.


 From:  Engravin' Dave (DATAKES)
 To:  jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) 
6613.10 In reply to 6613.1 

Hey Jeanette, let's get the other major sport season out of the way before we worry about football. That would be the GOLF season.

While we (I) are (am) on the subject of golf, I have some golf trivia for you. This year's Masters winner Zach Johnson was second man on his high school golf team. That would be the same high school team for which I played, be it about 20 years earlier. Man, I'm getting old.

 To:  Tom (TJGEENEN) 
6613.11 In reply to 6613.7 

you're right Aikman and the early 90's were brutal to us.....but we recovered...I'm actually looking forward to this season. I believe that we are on the upswing...some nice young talent starting to ripen, and Farve still has the ability if he continues to stay healthy and has a decent line. It was starting to solidify by the end of season last year.

Parity in the league gives anyone a honest to goodness chance.......


Brian Genrich

Rallye Productions Inc.
1-800-236-2036 x112
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Screen printing, and other digital print services.


 From:  aallen
 To:  jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) 
6613.12 In reply to 6613.1 


I know it is not the same football, but football has started in my house. :P That is the big subject right now, as we have a boy playing college football and it is spring football season! So, we have started football here, so it won't be long now for you!

The spring game here is in a few weeks, not much of a game, but it gets everyone in the mood for football :-)

Aleta (aallen)


 From:  jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2)
6613.13 In reply to 6613.11 
Parity in the league gives anyone a honest to goodness chance.......

Well, everyone except for the Houston Texans. (devil)

Jeanette Brewer -- Go Cowboys!!!
Epilog & Xenetech Distributor


 From:  Cody (BOBTNAILER)
 To:  ALL

What's the mantra of today's professional football player?


I've been put out with pro football for years. As far as I'm concerned, they're (mostly) a bunch of prima dona show-offs with drug use/sale issues.

I don't enjoy the game anymore....unless we're talking about high school or college ball.

Basketball? I can take it or leave it.

Hockey? Oh yeah! That's where the tuff guys go to play! I've seen these guys play with broken hands and feet. I've seen them get a 4" long cut on their face, spend 2 minutes getting stitches on the bench, and be right back on the ice without missing a shift.

I've seen some take a puck in the face (90 - 100 mph slapshot), breaking facial bones. Do they go on injured reserve? Miss games? No. They keep playing.

They're definitely not the "pretty boys" of proffesional sports. But they're some of the toughest.

I guess the thing that most appeals to me about them PERSONALLY, is that I don't know of a single hockey player that is "flashy". I look at all the other major professional sports, and I see a bunch of people screaming "look at me, I'm a big shot". Not here. For the most part, these guys are about the TEAM....not about how big their signing bonus was.

<Cody steps down off his soap box.>

As for the Stars going nowhere this playoff season? Agreed. I only saw the 2nd period of last night's game, and I would have thought that the Canucks would have won 6-2. Whodathunk that they would play FOUR overtime periods to finally decide the game? That's 2-1/3 complete games! Lot's o' hockey.

Unfortunately, I think the Red Wings will take the cup again. They used to be my favorite team, until they acquired Todd Bertuzzi at the trade deadline. IMNSHO, he's the lowest-class, thuggiest individual in the NHL....not a good fit for the 'Wings.


 From:  Peter
 To:  jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) 
6613.15 In reply to 6613.1 


now thats football......

:-) ;-)


Peter Vasic
Engraving Services Co.
Adelaide, Australia.

 From:  Tony (ANTE)
 To:  Peter 
6613.16 In reply to 6613.15 


Football............. Oh yes. 8-O



 From:  wolvey (JIMH)
 To:  Cody (BOBTNAILER) 
6613.17 In reply to 6613.14 

I don't mean to hijack Jeanette's thread but it is so seldom that I come across another hockey fan. It has always been a "niche" sport .However I like your thinking that the Wings will win the cup again this year. I have been a big Wings fan my entire life even thru the lean years ( the 80's ) when they were terrible. I couldn't agree with you more about the players. For the most part, they are very classy people who are very accessible and do a lot of charity work. A different breed of professional athlete like you said. Real team players. As far as the Wings winning again this year, it will be real tough. A lot of players have been taking some real cheap shots at our skilled players this year. The west is very tough to win. If you remember, all top 4 seeds were eliminated in the playoffs last year. The competition is close. I don't completely disagree with you about Bertuzzi. But I am sure that the thinking in acquiring him was exactly because of all the cheap shots their skilled players were taking. What he did was a dirty play. He definetly went about it the wrong way. Not in any way justifying what he did was ok but I must say I have seen much much worse. Simon wacking that guy in the face with his stick was worse. The results were not as devasting though as Bertuzzis punch to the head. Being a Wing fan though, I am glad he is on our side now and so is Chris Chelios. It took me 3 years to accept and like Chris Chelios. He was one of the most despised opponents of the Wings for years. Now even at his age he is one of the steadiest players we have. And also a big contributor to the local community. Isn't it funny how people can despise a player until they become a member of their team? This has become way too long but I love talking hockey!!!!!! GO WINGS!!!!!!!!!
-Jim H.


 From:  Cody (BOBTNAILER)
 To:  wolvey (JIMH) 
6613.18 In reply to 6613.17 


You and I probably agree more about hockey than you think.....

The punch that he threw on Paul Kariya in the playoffs last year burned him forevermore with me. That was extremely cheap, and does NOT fit with the brand of hockey that I enjoy.

You can imagine my glee when Kariya came back in the 3rd period of that game and scored the game-winning goal.

I also agree that folks will think twice about putting cheap hits onto the Wing's "skill" players, simply because Bertuzzi is there. It's been a while since they've been a physically dominant team, but this could usher in a new era.

Yes, the west is tough to win....especially with the likes of Anaheim and Nashville. The big advantage for the Wings is that they are peaking NOW, and are not on the downhill side of their peak (like other teams). The same goes for Buffalo....they're the obvious pick in the east.

I like the fact that Pittsburg made it to the playoffs this year, especially after having some rough seasons lately. Good for them!

We'll be watching the cup race closely!



 From:  Tony (ANTE)
 To:  wolvey (JIMH) 
6613.19 In reply to 6613.17 


What Bertuzzi did was partially fault of Steve M. in my view.
When challenged, if he would've turned around, dropped gloves and face the music, I belive outcome may have been quite different.

Now that my beloved Maple Leafs are out if it for 40th year and counting. :'-(

I would like to see Canucks vs. Sabres in final. Two fan bases that never won anything major.

Your Dead Things will miss Stevie Y. Good luck anyway.



 From:  Cody (BOBTNAILER)
 To:  Tony (ANTE) 
6613.20 In reply to 6613.19 
What Bertuzzi did was partially fault of Steve M. in my view.

Huh? I'm not sure which (of many) events you're talking about. My thought was on when he punched Paul Kariya in the back of the head while they were skating into the Canuck zone. Very cheap, dirty, scuzzy way to play.

I think Dallas fans owe Toronto a huge debt of gratitude for taking Eddie Belfour away. ;-) Now if we could only get a goaltender that didn't choke during the playoffs.

Yzerman is definitely missed. :'-(

 From:  Tony (ANTE)
 To:  Cody (BOBTNAILER) 
6613.21 In reply to 6613.20 


The one I am talking about involves Steve Moore (Colorado Av's.).

The incident with Paul Kariya was Garry Sutter doing that comes to mind I'am not sure, as you pointed out there were numerous.

Eddy The Eagle did ok (for his age) in Toronto, after we lost Cujo to Dead Things (Red Wings). =:)

Do you think Hasek will choke in playoffs? He led the team to top of western division.

BTW, love to talk some hockey to Texan.



 From:  Cody (BOBTNAILER)
 To:  Tony (ANTE) 
6613.22 In reply to 6613.21 

I don't remember the one with Moore.....when was that?

Hasek is still one of the best in the NHL. Will he choke? Anybody's guess. They're a little shallow in goal now, even with Chris Osgood. They HAVE to depend on their offense to generate, especially on the power play.

I'll be watching their game tonight against Calgary to see what kind of pace they set.

One thing is almost certain: Turco WILL choke. So will several of his skaters. They seem to be too easily intimidated by physical play, even though they are VERY capable of it themselves. When the Stars decide to finish their checks, and quit playing like individuals (rather than a team), they can beat anyone in the league. The trouble is in their mindset. They believe that the other team is better, therefore they ARE.

On the other hand, Dallas has done pretty well against playoff teams this year. We'll just have to see.

Just a side note: My wife is a very mild-mannered lady, and very seldom raises her voice or makes a "mean" face. However, put her in front of a television with a hockey game on, or send her to a game, and you will see a VERY different side of her. I need to videotape her watching a game sometime....very entertaining (and scary).

 From:  Tony (ANTE)
 To:  Cody (BOBTNAILER) 
6613.23 In reply to 6613.22 

Cody, check this out
This is the one I am thinking of.

Gee wizz, I wish my wife would watch a sporting event of any kind with me. Maybe I can get her around to it when Italy plays in world cup soccer otherwise, she is more of "Phantom of the Opera" type.



 From:  Cody (BOBTNAILER)
 To:  Tony (ANTE) 
6613.24 In reply to 6613.23 

Thanks for refreshing my memory, and for helping me remember why I can't stand Bertuzzi. I did see that game, and it made me very mad that a coward like Bertuzzi would be allowed to play the game.

When he was traded to Detroit, I made the statement that, although the Wings have been my favorite team for several years, I hope they NEVER win another game as long as he's there.

He's a coward and a classless individual. Again, that is NOT a good fit for Detroit. He DID fit well in Vancouver (can't stand that team anyway).


 From:  jeff (JCHUMBLEY)
 To:  jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) 
6613.25 In reply to 6613.1 
Gotta love cheeseheads.

Laser's Edge Engraving


 From:  wolvey (JIMH)
 To:  Cody (BOBTNAILER) 
6613.26 In reply to 6613.24 
Hey Cody and Engraver- Just finished watching the Wings beat the Flames at their own game. I have watched the Wings all year and they have been criticized as being very soft. And rightfully so. But not tonight!!! Gotta love the way they initiated the physical play. Even Datsyuk and Zetterberg who just came back after more than a month off. I truly believe they shocked the Flames with this style. They shocked me. As far as Stevie Y. being gone, I thought it would really upset the balance but it only did for about a month or so. He was the ultimate captain. Engraver- wouldn't you like to see the Wings back in the East where they belong. It is ridiculous that the Original Six hardly ever play. At least for us. Only 1 game each with Boston, NY, Montreal,Toronto this year. We play Chicago, Nashville, St. Louis, and Columbus way too many times. This commissioner has his head up his #*ss. Games on Versus??? What is that?? Oh BTW, the dominator is in fact a head case. But in his last three play off games has given up a total of 2 goals!! I like our chances with the Dominator. It's only one game down with 15 to go but looking good so far. Also Bertuzzi did not play tonight. Out suffering effects of a concussion. Engraver you were right about the incident I was talking about with Moore of the Aves.(the dirty mudsliders!!) Like I said earlier it was a dirty cheap shot that he took. The net result was the bad part when Moore's head hit the ice. Still glad he's on our side though. Red Wings 4 Flames 1 GO WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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