From: Noel (NOELF) [#19]
1 Apr 2005
To: Michael [#18] 1 Apr 2005
It is actually 70 years past the creators death in most cases.
This is the current law:
• Original work created after 1977 and is fixed to a tangible medium is copyrighted to the original creator for life plus 70 years.
• Original work created by employees for their employer lasts for 95 years from original publication or 120 years from date of creation (whichever occurs first).
• Original works created and published between 1923-1963 are copyrighted for 95 years (28 years + 47 year renewal + 20 year extension) only if the work was timely renewed. If no renewal was filed, the work is now in the public domain.
• Original work created and published between 1964-1977 lasts for 95 years (28 years + automatic extension of 67 years) and no renewal had to be filed.
• Original work created before January 1978 but not published lasts for life plus 70 years or expires 12-31-2002 (whichever is greater).
• Original work created before January 1978 and published between then and 12/2002 lasts life plus 70 years or expires 12-31-2047 (whichever is greater).
• Original work created before 1923 has no term and is in public domain.
- Noel
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#20]
2 Apr 2005
To: Noel (NOELF) [#19] 3 Apr 2005
Thank you for the detailed information.
David "The Stunt Engraver" Lavaneri
DGL Engraving
Port Hueneme, CA
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