From: John (JOHNRMONTG) [#7]
7 Jun 2005
To: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#6] 7 Jun 2005
David... excuse my laziness but how does the price compare to Unisub White Aluminum? Are you buying direct from them as (IDPlates).
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#8]
7 Jun 2005
To: John (JOHNRMONTG) [#7] 10 Jun 2005
I don't know what the eventual pricing will be. I don't have the flyer around, but the pricing was an "introductory" offer.
I haven't ordered sheets of the material yet. I'm still using up some white alum. I bought from Rallye Productions, which compares very favorably to Dyna Sub.
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