From: JayBeeOz [#8]
12 Apr 2005
To: Zonas [#7] 12 Apr 2005
Hi Zonas
I use Cerdec on Stainless and it has been tested with alot of different chemicals & acids for resistance. According to the Test sheet, the sample SS was even heated to cherry red and plunged into water. While the metal showed discoloration, the mark apparently was unaffected.
On the VERY rare occasion that I do have to rotary engrave SS, I normally use a strip of 'Blue Tac' rolled into a snake, and used to form a dam around the edge of the plate surface. I then pour in a 50/50 mix of Methylated Spirits and water to a depth of about 2 - 3mm. Then engrave away. The Solution keeps the cutter tip cool, and lubricates at the same time. I use the same process when engraving Brass, Bronze & Aluminium Plates.The upside is, once finished, rinse off the plate, dry & colorfill. No oily residue to try and remove. The downside is that you will get a slightly shorter cutter life.
From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#9]
12 Apr 2005
To: Zonas [#7] 12 Apr 2005
Antares makes a special spiral cutting bit for stainless steel. I have purchased one in .010, (I believe), and need to test it. It is supposed to be a great improvement.
From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#10]
12 Apr 2005
To: JayBeeOz [#8] 12 Apr 2005
I use that same process when drilling mounting holes through glass, using only water as the coolant. I can't believe I didn't think of it for metal engraving applications. Thanks for opening my closed mind a little bit further.
From: laserman (MIKEMAC) [#11]
12 Apr 2005
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#4] 12 Apr 2005
Thermark and Cermark are now the same Ferro Corp. just finished the purchase of Thermark. In fact the two companies started as one (Cerdec) and then split and now are back together again.
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