From: JHayes55 [#5]
29 Apr 2005
To: Lynn (LYNNDENO) [#4] 29 Apr 2005
I would be sure to inform the client that his lettering on the nylon
flag - could be "gone with the wind". If the flag is hanging where it get
a strong breeze as it flops in the breeze the lettering will probally come
loose. Not knowing the exact vinyl and the nylon I cannot be sure but, from
my exprience normal sign vinyl does not do well on nylon.
Good luck
From: Lynn (LYNNDENO) [#6]
29 Apr 2005
To: JHayes55 [#5] 29 Apr 2005
Thank You for that info.
I had that suspision that it may fall apart.
I was trying to give the customer the colors he wanted.
Would a heat press film work ok?
From: JHayes55 [#7]
29 Apr 2005
To: Lynn (LYNNDENO) [#6] 30 Apr 2005
I do not have any real experience with the heat press film. I have seen it
used on shirts & other cloth but I really do not have any experience with it.
From: Frazee1 [#8]
1 May 2005
To: Lynn (LYNNDENO) [#1] 1 May 2005
Vinyl WILL NOT stay on the flag! As far as heatpress material, Thermo-flex Universal. That is the only material I know of that will stay on. John
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