From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#51]
14 Aug 2005
The last house I owned, I installed solar hot water. Might do it again if I can scrounge up the money.
Solar generated electricity, only if I use it all. Selling it back to the power company is a farce. Last time I checked all you got was the fuel surcharge back. As the rates are readjusted, that drops back to 0 every now and then. (I wonder how that law came to be.)
From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#52]
14 Aug 2005
Another engraver & I went to the NY giftware show today. We did not come up with 1 new product. We spoke to 3 suppliers that are used heavily by engravers. They have all dropped products that we who sell a lot of giftware use. They all gave the same reason. The off shore factories have always had large minimum orders but they were able to handle the large minimums because they knew they would sell, albeit, a little slower. Our suppliers business has dropped off to the point that they can not afford to tie up cash for that long of a period. They all felt show attendance for the first 2 weekend days was down about 20%. Neither Cross nor Colibri were exhibiting.
Did anyone attend the Vegas gift show this weekend?
We left shaking our heads and we will now brainstorm to find new product.
From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#53]
14 Aug 2005
To: basehorawards [#49] 15 Aug 2005
Before a third party can be successful it has to have the financial backing of large political action groups. I don't believe it could compete otherwise. We would then be back to where we are now. Pretty sad isn't it!
From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#54]
15 Aug 2005
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#51] 15 Aug 2005
The system I was referring to, is connected through the electric meter and when the power generated by the solar array is greater than what you are taking from the city grid, the meter actually turns backwards, thereby crediting your account with the electric company. Unless your utility has restrictions on the type of system you can put in place it should make sense.
From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#55]
15 Aug 2005
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#54] 15 Aug 2005
That is illegal here in PA. You must pay for a special metering system that registers the power you used, and a separate meter that registers the power you have returned. I checked into it a few years ago, (maybe 8-10), and decided that it was setup just to discourage alternative sources of energy.
From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#56]
15 Aug 2005
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#55] 15 Aug 2005
That is too bad, and yet another example of how overly bureaucartic our country has become and it futher exemplifies how selfish special interests are...... sigh......
Move to hawaii....we can open a shop...and put solar on it.
From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#57]
15 Aug 2005
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#56] 15 Aug 2005
Harv would do it in a heartbeat. I aon the other hand get very cranky anytime the temp outside gets over 72. I have been pushing for Alaska for years. He wants your neck of the woods.
From: Doug (JDOUG5170) [#58]
16 Aug 2005
To: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#31] 16 Aug 2005
Now we need to get some of this forum into Congress and some idiots out of there.
Gonna have to start with the head idiot....oooppsss, sorry, he is on a 5 week vacation!
From: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#59]
16 Aug 2005
To: Doug (JDOUG5170) [#58] 16 Aug 2005
Ah, I knew there was a reason why I still liked you. (devil)
From: gt350ed [#60]
16 Aug 2005
To: Doug (JDOUG5170) [#58] 17 Aug 2005
"Gonna have to start with the head idiot....oooppsss, sorry, he is on a 5 week vacation!"
And it probably didn't even occur to you how many people you offended with that snippet of free speech you just exercised.
America, land of the free! Ain't it great?
From: UncleSteve [#61]
16 Aug 2005
To: gt350ed [#60] 17 Aug 2005
Ed, you know how these kids get...... they don't always make sure the brain is engaged before putting the keyboard in gear.
I just ignore them..... ever since their ox was Gore'd... ;-)
From: Doug (JDOUG5170) [#62]
17 Aug 2005
To: gt350ed [#60] 17 Aug 2005
Ed, sorry if I offended you....
If it makes your feel any better, I don't feel that we had any GOOD choices in the last go around.
And, yes, it is good to live in a country where one can speak his mind.
17 Aug 2005
To: Doug (JDOUG5170) [#62] 18 Aug 2005
Now quit pickin on my pal George.....He's never said a cross thing about you.
From: basehorawards [#64]
18 Aug 2005
I would rather have a man or woman as president who governs by his or her principles and stays the course when the going gets tough even if I disagree with those priciples than have a man or woman who will say what ever he or she thinks will get the best poll numbers and then still does not do anything of value.
18 Aug 2005
To: basehorawards [#64] 19 Aug 2005
I agree James,
Its much better to be able to know where you stand in relationship to a person (either good or bad), than to try to guess where they really stand while they try to please everyone. IE Senator Clinton, or Kerry.
I find that it's easier to relate to someone that takes a position, even if it is against mine. At least they have principals that they stand for and believe in....Many of the current polititions are more busy keeping everyone happy, instead of defining what they stand for to solidify their support. You can say what you want about Governor Arnold,....He walked on both sides of the aisle with his viewpoints, but defined himself so people knew what he stood for, and will most likely get re-elected.
No one likes zebra's that change their stripes to suit the moment.
Brian G.
From: Jim (RETAIL74) [#66]
18 Aug 2005
To: RALLYGUY (RALLYGUY1) [#65] 18 Aug 2005
I can't say that I agree with you. And it has nothing to do with our present leader.
Do you really want a leader that can't admit when he is wrong?
Do you want a leader that does what he thinks is right, or someone that makes an informed decision based on what his constituents want?
Are the leader's decisions based on a moral compass or an ego the refuses to admit that his decision could be wrong?
History is full of leaders who marched to their own beat. Some of them became infamous for exterminating millions of their own people.
Back to the recession... Over the past for years, I have seen my costs go up on just about everything. Energy costs are through the roof, which affects everything shipped in and out of my business. Labor costs and health costs continue to rise. Local governments continue to raise taxes to cover their costs. I am making more money because I have been forced to become more aggressive in getting and keeping sales.
The tax cut that was mentioned in the thread has not done enough the trickle down to smaller businesses. I can’t even remember where mine went. Since I believe I pay a lot of taxes, you would think that I would notice if the government gave me some back.
18 Aug 2005
To: Jim (RETAIL74) [#66] 18 Aug 2005
I understand that not all will agree with me. It's what makes life interesting. :)
I believe it's wrong to admit your wrong when you think what you did was right just to appease people that have a different view...If he said he was wrong, people would accuse him of lying anyway at this point. I see no proof that the man was wrong to take the action that he did. I believe that what we've been doing on his watch is warranted, and purposeful.
The media and the left don't want this war, and they will pound the drum using any means to get what they want. Even using a woman that lost her son as a mouthpiece for their agenda....(Cindy Sheehan). Do you think if there were 100 mothers that lost their children that wanted to show support for this war that the media would even register that event? I sure don't. But you now have this mother that lost her son in a volunteer military. One that decides she opposes this war, and becomes a media darling. Funny how that works eh? Even her family has distanced themselves from her because they don't feel that she is acting appropriately, but not the Moveon.orgs, or the media. They just eat her message up, because it's what they want after all.
The following article is an interesting take on the whole situation..... At this point, instead of worrying about who or what got us here (let the history books decide later), I think people need to figure out the best way to help move forward.
Since I believe I pay a lot of taxes, you would think that I would notice if the government gave me some back.
Regarding your taxes....You would have noticed more if there had not been a cut. More loss of income anyway.... :) EDITED: 18 Aug 2005 by RALLYGUY1
From: UncleSteve [#68]
18 Aug 2005
To: Jim (RETAIL74) [#66] 19 Aug 2005
Do you want a leader that does what he thinks is right, or someone that makes an informed decision based on what his constituents want?
Jim, you are right on here!
I want slavery back!
Women shouldn't be allowed to vote!
This country should be just like some middle east countries and have all its laws based on ONE specific religion....... You get the idea!
Oh yeah, and let us not forget that we must kill all that don't agree with us!
;-) EDITED: 18 Aug 2005 by UNCLESTEVE
From: gt350ed [#69]
23 Aug 2005
To: Jim (RETAIL74) [#66] 24 Aug 2005
<Do you want a leader that does what he thinks is right, or someone that makes an informed decision based on what his constituents want?>
Actually, I want a leader that does "what he thinks is right". I certainly would not want one whose "informed decision" is based on what his "constituents want". First of all, leading by what "constituents want" is not leading; it is following. Second, this would be the same as leading according to what "polls" are saying. We've certainly had enough of that prior to the present "leader".
From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#70]
24 Aug 2005
To: gt350ed [#69] 25 Aug 2005
I want a leader who makes decisions based on true facts. Can anyone find WMDs? I want a leader who, if he is willing to meet with the parents of killed service personnel, doesn't prescreen them first. I want a leader who stays out of my doctor's office and supports the medical community in finding cures for diseases. I want a leader who keeps religion in his home and place of worship not in a government building or in a public school.
I hope one day to be governed by such a leader.
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