From: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#18]
22 Mar 2006
To: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#14] 22 Mar 2006
From: Peter [#19]
22 Mar 2006
To: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#17] 22 Mar 2006
took some time to figure that one ..huh?
From: LaZerDude (C_BURKE) [#20]
22 Mar 2006
To: Peter [#19] 22 Mar 2006
took some time to figure that one ..huh?
Not for me..... :D
From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#21]
22 Mar 2006
To: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#7] 23 Mar 2006
wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!Can I come?
From: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#22]
23 Mar 2006
To: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#21] 23 Mar 2006
I don't know if a New Yorker/ Jerseyite could stand the clear skys and the clean air but you are always welcomed.
From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#23]
23 Mar 2006
To: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#22] 24 Mar 2006
No pollution! That could be a deal breaker. (devil)
From: Peter [#24]
31 Mar 2006
Its Official:
South Carolina, just 5 miles from the North Carolina Border ..
Tom was worried he'd end up in some swamp filled ,banjo pickin' area , where they walk bare foot, eat Gaters, swamp rats and snake, drinking illegal distilled ,foul smellin licker'..Where the Girls got them thar teeth knocked out the front ,makin ' em real purdy like.
"Phew Dad" he said, looks like we are going somewhere a little more sophisticated ! :-)
He leaves Australia late May. :'-(
From: Mick [#25]
31 Mar 2006
To: Peter [#24] 31 Mar 2006
"Tom was worried he'd end up in some swamp filled ,banjo pickin' area , where they walk bare foot, eat Gaters, swamp rats and snake, drinking illegal distilled ,foul smellin licker'..Where the Girls got them thar teeth knocked out the front ,makin ' em real purdy like."
If he wants that send im up here to Colrado. But no swams or gators. We got tham there gals thoEDITED: 31 Mar 2006 by MICK
From: Engravin' Dave (DATAKES) [#26]
31 Mar 2006
To: Peter [#24] 31 Mar 2006
From: gt350ed [#27]
2 Apr 2006
To quote Archie Bunker.... Geeesh!!"
Now look what youse done. I told ya...if youse let one or two a dem freek'n Aussies in, day'l be come in like rats ta cheez.
An now, da next wave is due here in May! Geeesh!
And, when I met saw dat hair, I said "I only hope dare ain't more like him roamin about".
Then I saw the pic of his pro-ta-jay. Holy cripes, Edith! (devil)
From: AnthonyC [#28]
2 Apr 2006
To: gt350ed [#27] 3 Apr 2006
Hey Ed
I bet you he bought you a beer or three!
That's what we Aussies do!
Peter, if Tom makes it up as far as Montreal Canada he has a bed to stay.
Just let me know. It would be a pleasure
EDITED: 2 Apr 2006 by ANTHONYC
From: Peter [#29]
2 Apr 2006
To: gt350ed [#27] 3 Apr 2006
On another note.....
One of these days Ed, one of these days....
POW ....Right to tha moon.!!!!
EDITED: 2 Apr 2006 by PETER
From: Peter [#30]
2 May 2006
OK...Change of Plans...Tom is now settled with his new arrangements that have been changed. June 6th to August 27th
Destination is Minnesota, 2 1/2 hours south of Minneapolos at a fabulous camp. Camp Lincoln-Lake Hubert
He will be the Baseball coordinator there.
After that he and his good friend Michael will travel around the states.
They hope to travel to New York Down the East coast and various states back to Chicago.
Tom and Michael both have 12 month Visas and hope to find some work whilst they are over there. Michael is 18 and Tom is 19.
Tom is more than happy to split his travel arrangements from Michael should he find other opportunities as Michael has relatives in Minneapolos.
Peter :-)
Oh Boy, He is gonna have himself so much fun......Told him to steer clear of a couple of my lady friends in Vegas B-)
From: Stunt Engraver (DGL) [#31]
3 May 2006
To: Peter [#30] 3 May 2006
If Tom isn't burnt out on the awards industry, give the guys a map of our forum members' businesses. Another set of hands is always welcome. :-)
From: John (ICTJOHN) [#32]
3 May 2006
To: Peter [#30] 3 May 2006
If the camp is 2½ hours south of Minneapolis, then David T. is just a few more hours south, then Zona & Jim are also near there and then I am 3 hours south of them........... Tom can just make a trip straight south on I-35 and catch a job at all of the award shops and finish up in Dallas with The Brewers. Boy, am I a tour director or what????? (devil) I'm sure all of the people mentioned could learn from him as well him from them. With all that work lined up, I don't know if he would have time to sightsee. :O
From: Harvey only (HARVEY-ONLY) [#33]
3 May 2006
To: Peter [#30] 3 May 2006
If they want to work on the east coast, we are just 5 miles from NYC. If they know engraving I am sure we will be able to fit them in for a while.
From: Dee (DEENA-ONLY) [#34]
3 May 2006
To: Peter [#30] 3 May 2006
If they want to schedule NY around XMAS we can use them. I'll try to find some college kids they can bunk with. If they want to go to Philly they can do that at any time and bunk at our house.
Dee & Harv
From: Peter [#35]
3 May 2006
one slight problem............. :-$
Tom hasnt worked in our industry.
long story :-( :-(
From: John (ICTJOHN) [#36]
3 May 2006
To: Peter [#35] 3 May 2006
It's kind of like all 3 of my girls......they each worked for me while in their teens for 1 summer. They all had the same reaction. "Well, I don't know what I want to do when I grow up...... but I do know I don't want to work in the awards industry" :S
Oh well, that just leaves more customers for me :P
... and no fighting for dad's business when I go the the big trophy cup in the sky!
From: JHayes55 [#37]
5 May 2006
To: Peter [#35] 9 May 2006
Peter - If Tom and his friend make a swing south we will be more than happy to put them up for as long as they would want to stay. I have two empty bedrooms and bath down stairs. My college age kids would see to it that they would have fun.
Peter one thing you must do is rent the movie - "Fargo" - it will give you and Tom an idea of the local accents. I love the accents from that area -I have some good friends from that part of the US
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