From: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#14]
4 Apr 2006
To: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#1] 4 Apr 2006
After regestering I made a bee line for the epilog booth. I thought they were going to have the engravingetc badges the LV attendees talked about. The person I spoke with had no idea what I was talking about. He then asked another, who also knew nothing about them.
I hope you went back by the booth. Epilog's marketing guru (and the gentleman who supervised the design, engraving & handing out of the badges) was out of pocket (at another trade show, I believe) and there was a bit of a communication mix-up with the folks who were running the ARA/New Jersey booth.
We THINK that everyone else who went by the Epilog booth was able to pick up a badge. Sorry for the confusion!
From: MR C (MOSHE) [#15]
4 Apr 2006
To: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#14] 4 Apr 2006
Thank you for clearing up the issue of the badges.
"In by 12 out by 2" is great.
I was in by 8 Thurs. out by 3:45 on Friday. I took advantage of all the classes. you really learn alot. If the classes weren't on Sat. I would have stayed for them as well.
From: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#16]
4 Apr 2006
To: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#14] 4 Apr 2006
Not being in the market for another laser, I saw no point in going back to the booth when 2 people knew nothing about the badges. That is where I ran into Mr. C. from the forum. I don't know if he ever went back.
From: jeanettebrewer (JEANETTEBREWER2) [#17]
4 Apr 2006
To: Ken D. (KDEVORY) [#16] 5 Apr 2006
Understood. Again, sorry for the confusion.
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