From: JHayes55 [#3]
5 May 2006
Since we are only a month away from this show I wanted to bring this thread back to life. As I have posted earlier we plan on attending this show - is there interest in a get together of EE members?? I do know the a few folks from DSSI are making some plans.
I am open for suggestions from the group :-)
From: UCONN Dave & Lynn too (DANDL48) [#4]
5 May 2006
To: JHayes55 [#3] 5 May 2006
Lynn and I are interested. Just send us 2 1st class round trip tixs and we are there!
From: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#5]
6 May 2006
To: JHayes55 [#3] 6 May 2006
I am still contemplating going to Indy.....will know shortly. If I happen to come I would like to meet everyone I can.
From: JHayes55 [#6]
6 May 2006
To: BrianC (INKSQUIRTER) [#5] 7 May 2006
Brian - would love to meet - keep us informed on your plans.
From: Nick (WOODWORKNICK) [#7]
8 May 2006
To: Doberdog (EOH) [#1] Unread
Hi, Nick Napier here. I plan to go to the Indy show. Probabley on Thursday. I haven't been a member very long but it sure has been benificial (sp). Lot of great experienced engravers. I've only had my machine for about 9 months. It would be nice to meet some of the people that frequent here. How about a show of hands as to who's going. That would be electronic hands.
Napier's Laser Engraving. (home made for now)
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